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Book Review: String Them Up by William Sterling

Cover art for String Them Up by William Sterling

String Them Up, by William Sterling

Crystal Lake Publishing, 2023

ISBN: 9781957133591

Available: Hardcover, paperback, Kindle edition

Buy: Bookshop.org |  Amazon.com


For horror fans, books like this are cotton candy for the brain.  There’s nothing especially memorable in the story, but there’s enough in the 158 pages for the equivalent of a quick sugar rush.  It’s pure entertainment, enough to make reading it worth it. Think back to the 80s, when there were a LOT of horror books published that were uuite enjoyable, if not especially original, and you get the idea (although since then, the average page count has gone down and the sticker price has come up. Readers with Kindle Unlimited are in luck if they want to check it out).


Speed synopsis: a cop loses his family in a tragic accident, moves to a small town with secrets in its past,, joins the police force with old friend, messy murders happen, and mayhem ensuest.  The End.


There’s enough spice thrown in the story mix of this for the reader to keep the pages flipping:: one poor fellow is found hung in a tree by his torn out ligaments and tendons. The toymaker, an eccentric hermit, is the standout character, although the other players carry their parts fine in the narrative.  The best part is undoubtedly the dolls that appear throughout the book, whether they are hanging in trees or dismembering people.  Dolls are always creepy when used correctly, and the author uses them very well. They add a nice touch of cold air to the book, enough to make your skin crawl a bit.  And, when the dolls go to work on people with fishhooks and line… (shudders and hides under the covers)  Toss in a dose of small town politics and secrets and a dash of crystal meth, and you have a quick, entertaining read that is worth the few hours of time needed for the investment.


Bottom line: this won’t shatter your senses, but it will keep you involved and get the job done.  It’s worth a look.


Reviewed by Murray Samuelson

Book Review: Outrage: Level 10 by Lucy Leitner

cover art for Outrage: Level 10 by Lucy Leitner

Outrage: Level 10 by Lucy Leitner

Blood Bound Publishing, 2021

ISBN: 9781940250496

Available: Paperback, Kindle edition

Buy: Amazon.com


Outrage Level 10 succeeds as both a thriller and a darkly humorous look at today’s overly sensitive “cancel culture” society taken to extremes.  It’s an exciting story, and the setting will force readers to ask questions about where we are headed as a society, and what we would consider a “perfect’” world.


It’s a strange future that Alex Malone, ex-head breaker for the now-defunct Pittsburgh Penguins (a hockey team) and now a cop, lives in.  There is no more government, just the Speaker, as the mouthpiece of the People; the Hammer, who is the People’s enforcer and… that’s it.  It’s all the will of the People in regards to policy, crime, and everything else, decided by popular vote of the citizens through their phones and various social applications.  Almost all crime consists of someone offending someone else.  Once it’s been posted online, if the outrage meter hits high enough through people commenting, the offenders face the Hammer, who most likely will condemn the perpetrators to the mysterious Maze, from which almost no one returns.  People do live much longer, since all diseases have been cured, or the causing substances banned, but is it worth the price?


That’s the world of Alex, and as a cop, he’s a member of an almost unnecessary profession (apparently “defund the police”  REALLY took hold) since everything is by popular fiat, and everyone is policing each other.  It doesn’t help that the few cops left are reviled by pretty much everyone.   Alex tries a new drug designed to treat his CTE, and the drug, through visions, pulls him into a mystery involving senior citizens disappearing from retirement homes.  As Alex soon finds out, it’s hard to solve a case that affects the few people left in power, and even harder when everyone is looking for an excuse, real or imagined, to take him down.


The plotline is an intriguing mystery and a tough nut to crack.  Alex makes an excellent protagonist, and is sympathetic as a person who really has no value in a politically correct society.  That is, until he remembers the old police motto, “to protect and serve”.  In Leitner’s world, protecting means eliminating anyone whom you disagree with, not helping for the common good.


Leitner”s vision of a world gone crazy provides the excellent story backdrop.  She wisely keeps her own views out of it, instead using her razon-sharp humor to get the point across, without coming off as preachy.  That’s the mark of excellent satire; the ability to write without tipping your own hand to the readers.  She’s shown this skill in other works like Bad Vibrations, and it’s on full display here.  Leitner has created a terrifying world, where people are condemned for accidentally serving the wrong food, since that can be seen as aggression or some sort of -ism.


Bottom line: another excellent work from one of the smartest writers of dystopian satire today.  Recommended.


Reviewed by Murray Samuelson


Book Review: Earworm by Aaron Thomas Milstead

cover art for Earworm by Aaron Thomas Milstead

Earworm by Aaron Thomas Milstead

Blood Bound Publishing, 2019

ISBN: 9788397672245

Available: Paperback, KIndle edition

Buy: Amazon.com


An earworm is loosely defined as “an annoying pop song you hate and loathe, but somehow the damn thing gets stuck in your head and keeps boinging around.” Example: Taylor Swift’s entire catalogue.  (I make no apologies to Swift fans)  In Earworm, it’s a bit more: it is an actual annoying voice that talks and responds to you (or is it?).  Protagonist Ripley McCain had better listen, since he might need to help save the human race, as well as himself.


Earworm is a good horror/thriller read, with some surprising emotional depth: there are a few spots where readers might start sniffling and reach for a tissue.  Ripley is an excellent lead character: it’s impossible not to like him, due to his struggles.  He does everything he can to win back his wife, overcoming the bottle…and finds out he has six months to live.  Fate intervenes in the form of the earworm.  Important: it’s a symbiote, not a parasite.  For readers that flunked Biology 101, that means each creature feeds off the other, to the mutual benefit of both.  These aren’t Star Trek 2’s brainworms.  However, Ripley’s earworm does have a task for him: protecting the worm from certain other worms that want to destroy it, and destroy all people as well.


The story is a nice split between Ripley’s actions to stop the evil earworms of the world, and the dialogue with his own worm.  Their conversations are always entertaining. The worm is certainly not a formal voice of wisdom, it’s more like his new best friend, for a guy that desperately needs friends.  The emotional part comes from Ripley’s scenes with his wife and daughter as they try to settle things, and some of the dialogue with the earworm.  These parts are very well done, and raise the story above the standard horror novel.  It helps to get readers invested in Ripley’s character, and they will cheer him on till the end.


That being said, there’s plenty of action along the way: walking corpses, tentacles blasting out of people, and possessed chickens.  The supporting cast helps move the action along and provides a nice contrast, the doctor who knows the secret of the earworms stands out, and Ripley’s drunken sort-of friend who is along for the ride helps the story also.


The only drawback is that there are too many analogies to pop culture. They are useful tools in moderation, but detract from what is good writing, and they should have been whittled down to a manageable number.


The bottom line? Earworm is worth the read. It’s entertaining and unusual enough that most people will enjoy it.  Bonus: you get an interesting discussion on how on Gilligan’s Island, the characters can’t escape because they are actually in hell.  Recommended.


Reviewed by Murray Samuelson