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School Bites: Teen Vampires Go To School

Some of the most popular searches leading people to our site involve the words “teen” and “vampire”. Vampire fiction for teens isn’t something I’ve written about much lately.We have a blog, Reading Bites, that covers that topic, so mostly I don’t.

But with such high demand for YA vampire titles and series, and the release of  Gates of Paradise, the last book in Melissa de la Cruz’s Blue Bloods series (and the extremely cool graphic novel of the original book), I thought I’d offer up some titles. Christmas vacation is now well and truly over, and spring break seems far away… this is really the doldrums of the school year. Vampires turned as teens don’t really ever get a break– their appearance forces them to live through middle school and high school again and again to avoid suspicion, since every kid is required to go to school (unless their parents homeschool them– a strategy I don’t think I’ve seen yet). You really never know who could be sitting next to you in algebra class. So MonsterLibrarian.com presents to you a list of books and series about teen vampires who spend their days (or nights) attending school. Some we’ve reviewed, and some we haven’t. I’m sure many of them are already familiar to librarians– knowledge of them is practically a requirement these days, just to answer the question “Now that I’ve finished Twilight, what do I read next?” But I think there may also be some surprises– not every vampire book or series is a paranormal romance, targeted to girls, or aimed at ages 15 and up. Check them out to find out what school is like in a vampire’s world!


School Bites: Teen Vampire Fiction


Chronicles of Vladimir Tod series by Heather Brewer

The Morganville Vampires  series by Rachel Caine

House of Night series by P.C. and Kristen Cast

Notes from a Totally Lame Vampire: Because the Undead Have Feelings Too by Tim Collins

Prince of Dorkness: More Notes from a Totally Lame Vampire by Tim Collins

High School Bites by Liza Conrad

Blue Bloods series by Melissa de la Cruz

Vamped and ReVamped by Lucienne Diver

Oliver Nocturne series by Kevin Emerson

Evernight series by Claudia Gray

Alex van Helsing series by Jason Henderson

Infinite Days by Rebecca Maizel

Blood Coven series by Mari Mancusi

Vampire Academy series by Richelle Mead

Bloodlines series by Richelle Mead

Red Moon Rising by Peter Moore

Sucks to be Me: The All-True Confessions of Mina Hamilton, Teen Vampire (maybe) by Kimberly Pauley

Still Sucks to be Me: The All-True Confessions of Mina Hamilton, Teen Vampire by Kimberly Pauley

Vampire High and Vampire High: Sophomore Year by Douglas Rees


Note: Not all books on this list are appropriate for all teens. As always, MonsterLibrarian.com cautions you to make sure the book is in the right hands!

The Tenth Good Thing About Barney: Reading Aloud With a Child

I have been doing a little academic research into children’s literature and horror recently, and one of the things I’ve seen mentioned multiple times is that children’s literature is different that any other kind, because it’s really written with adults in mind. Let me explain.

It’s mostly adults who write children’s books. Adults decide what books are appropriate for publication for children, edit them, and market them. Adults are the ones who usually buy them. And adults decide how and where they should be made available. Many children’s books are written well beyond the capacity of  the child to read the book independently… so most children’s books, for many years, are also read by, or with adults, to children.

As adults, we have too much of a past to experience a children’s book in the same way a child does, and our roles in the present also change the way we look at them. And that affects the reading experience children have when we read aloud with them.

My mom bought a book containing a variety of stories meant for reading aloud with a child. It’s a strange collection, really, and includes The Shrinking of Treehorn by Florence Parry Heide and The Magic Finger by Roald Dahl. My five year old daughter pulled this book out, opened it to the middle and said “I want this one.” She had chosen The Tenth Good Thing About Barney, a picture book by Judith Viorst about a boy grieving for his cat, who has just died. It’s often recommended for use with children when talking about death. Not really a feel good bedtime story. Even though I’ve never had a cat, I tear up at the end. I said, “This is a very sad story. Are you sure you want me to read it?” She did. And so I read it to her. And for her it wasn’t sad. She made a connection between Barney, the cat in the story, and Picky-picky, Ramona Quimby’s cat (in Beverly Cleary’s Ramona books), who dies in the movie, but she wasn’t sad. And the next night at bedtime she wanted it again. And so did her brother. I warned him that it could be sad, but he still wanted to hear it, so I read it again. And it wasn’t sad for him. As an adult who knows how this book is supposed to be used, I didn’t really feel the need for my kids to hear the story. As a mom, I was afraid it would make them sad, and maybe scared, so that it would be hard to go to sleep. And I have heard a few questions about cats and about death in the last day or so, but nothing that seems to make them sad, or scared, or worried. Keeping it away from them because of my own worries, fears, and preconceptions seems, in this case, like it would have been kind of selfish. They don’t appear to have been damaged by the experience, and maybe it has made their lives richer. I think that goes for a lot of books that people worry about putting in the hands of children. I am glad that I didn’t say more than that this was a sad story. Even that gives them a frame that is not their own for understanding what the story means for them.

Reading aloud to children, and with children, is a joy, a pleasure, and sometimes a frustration. And it’s also a responsibility, not just as adults reading for thirty minutes at night with them so they’ll grow up to be independent readers with a love of stories and books (or at least children who can pass the I-READ exam). It is a responsibility, because by what we choose to share and how we feel about children’s books, as adults, as professionals, and as former children, we have the ability to change the way our children see and feel about a book that so very many adults wanted to put into their hands. Once it’s in their hands, though, children can change the book for us, as well.  Reading aloud  with a child alters the world. That’s something to keep in mind.


Awesomeness in Ebook Publisher/Library Agreements

In Internet time, I’m extremely late to report it, but awesomeness has occurred. The Douglas County Library System in Colorado, which has been working with alternatives to the licensing of ebooks  from publishers (also called purchasing them outright from publishers). And this week DCL signed a contract (called the Common Understanding) with Smashwords, in which they purchased 10,000 books outright. Califa, a library consortium in California, which has also been exploring alternatives to licensing ebooks through OverDrive, is expected to follow suit. Read Peter Brantley’s piece on this at PWxyz, where he does an excellent and thorough job of going over the whole thing. Hopefully other publishers are paying attention!