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Publishers Weekly Now Accepting: E-galleys!

Well, this is cool news for all the small publishers and independent presses out there. Beginning September 15, Publishers Weekly started accepting e-galleys, including those for digital-only publication. This is targeted specifically at genre fiction- romance, sci-fi, fantasy, and, yes, HORROR!  Kudos to PW! Guys, this is your chance to get horror fiction out from its little backwater into the mainstream! Gosh, that’s a lot of exclamation points…

You can read the Genreville announcement here.

Small Publishers: Webcast on Ebook Distribution Available

I don’t have a lot of time to go into it, but Publisher’s Weekly just came out with an article about a recent webcast on ebook distribution for small publishers.  Here at MonsterLibrarian.com, we see a lot of requests to review ebooks, requests from small presses, and requests from small presses issuing titles as ebooks. Distribution is a major problem for them, since many don’t have the funds to get their titles listed in wholesalers’ databases. So, if you are a small press dealing with ebooks, or think you might go that direction soon, you might want to check this webcast out. It is available free for one week. Hope that helps you all out!