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Book Review: The Colony: Renegades by Michaelbrent Collings

The Colony: Renegades by Michaelbrent Collings

CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2013

ISBN-13: 978-1492896456

Available: Paperback, Kindle edition, Audible Book


High school teacher Ken Strickland has seen the world come to an end– zombies are taking over. Ken, along with some fellow survivors and friends, Dorcas, Aaron, and Christopher, have gone to the Bank One building to save Ken’s family. While riding the elevator up to the 9th floor, the group encounters a nightmare from which there is no waking up.

These are not old fashioned zombies…they work together to hunt victims, trapping them in webs and vomiting acid. Ken finally finds his family– snagged in a zombie-web. They are all there and alive: his wife, Maggie; their son, Derek; their daughter, Hope; and Liz, the baby. He also finds two others yet uneaten: a man named Buck, and his mother. The band of survivors have to make their way out of the building, fighting zombies all the way.

This is Book 2 in The Colony saga, and it rocks. The plot keeps you in total suspense, guessing what’s going to happen, and you feel as if you are there with the characters, trapped in the building, fighting for your survival. I’ll be waiting with bells on for the conclusion of this exciting series. Recommended for high school and older.

Contains: zombie violence, gore, graphic description of dead bodies, mild profanity, lots of death.

Reviewed by Diana Lord

Book Review: Darling by Brad Hodson

Darling by Brad C. Hodson

Bad Moon Books, 2012

ISBN-13: 978-0-9884478-1-3

Available: Used paperback, Kindle edition


At its heart, Darling is a classic haunted house novel. It doesn’t cross genres, or break any daring new ground, but that’s okay. It centers around Raynham Place, an apartment complex built on land that has a history of violence and death going back more than a century; t was the site of a Civil War battlefield, and then became a tuberculosis hospital. This setting might sound like old hat, but it is created with style and unfolds perfectly within the plot. Although the story takes place in the present, the classic haunted atmosphere has a great 80’s horror novel feel— similar to books published under Dell’s Abyss imprint (I loved many novels in that line…reading this novel is like slipping on a favorite old shirt.)


The story begins when Dennis decides that his younger friend, Mike, move into Raynham Place. Once in the building, they start to notice strange things afoot. The behavior of the main characters begins to change, and the building’s past is slowly divulged. Hodson’s timely uncovering of the elements of his plot, from the background of the building, to the personal history between the main characters, is carefully revealed to perfect effect. This extended suspense, combined with Hodson’s gift for super creepy tone, makes the whole thing work perfectly. Darling is an excellent horror novel, and readers who are looking for a fresh voice telling classic-style horror tales have a new author to check out. Highly recommended.


Contains: violence and psychological terror.

Reviewed by David Agranoff


Book Review: In Hell by L. Marshall James

In Hell by L. Marshall James

Highwater Publishing, 2013


Available: Kindle


Paul is just your average young American guy living in Pittsburgh; he loves his family, but spends little time with them. He has a decent job that he automatically dislikes. He tries to eat healthy, but usually goes the route of fast food and beer. He enjoys guns, sports, women, and one hobby that borders on childish obsession: Zombies. He grew up watching legions of zombies terrorize the earth in countless movies. He collected posters, action figures, undead memorabilia, and amassed a small weapons stash, preparing for the imaginary possibility of defending himself and his loved ones from the brain eaters. It was all good fun until he wakes one day to discover his fantasy is now real; zombies are everywhere.

The basic premise is good; an escape-to-a-better-place survival story. The characters have distinct voices, and I didn’t have trouble following them. The action is well described, very graphic and “in your face”, and I liked the twist at the end, which got me thinking a bit as I neared the finish. James has a good way of explaining how the Zombiepocalypse started and what the implications of it would be.

Unfortunately, the first person point of view, with so many sentences starting with “I,” became tiresome and actually got in the way of the story. There were also some typographical errors scattered throughout– not the worst I’ve read, but noticeable. In Hell was an okay read.


Contains:  Graphic Gore and violence, sexual situations, profanity.

Reviewed By:  Aaron Fletcher


A note from the editor: If you are curious about this book PLEASE use our link to find it. Searching Amazon for the book by title did not, for some reason, pull it up.