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Book Review: Traitor’s Blade by Sebastian De Castell

Traitor’s Blade by Sebastien De Castell

Jo Fletcher Books, 2014

ISBN: 978-1-62365-809-0

Available:  Hardcover, paperback, Kindle edition


The King is dead.  The land is burning.  The King’s Magisters, known as Greatcoats, have been disbanded and scattered to the winds.  Their leader, Falcio, is trying to finish his dead King’s final secret order.  With him are Kest and Brasti, his two best friends and also members of the now disbanded Greatcoats, reviled as traitors for stepping aside and letting their King be murdered by the Dukes.  The resulting power vacuum has created chaos throughout the kingdom, as the Dukes fight for supremacy.  The only hope is for the Greatcoats to reunite.  Falcio, Kest and Bresti must restore order, or their Kingdom will be destroyed.

Traitor’s Blade was a fun, swashbuckling adventure to read.  The three main characters brought to mind the Three Musketeers as they fought their way through the adventure.  Each of the characters had distinctive voices and the dialog flowed very smoothly.  The desciptions worked well and set the stage for the action without slowing it down.  The action was great fun!  The chases and sword fights kept the tension flowing.  The plot twisted and turned and kept me guessing what would happen next.  The political intrigue was enough to keep me wondering, without bogging it all down.  All in all, great fun!  Recommended for adult readers who enjoy swashbuckling fantasy.


Contains:  Sexual situations, swearing

Reviewed by Aaron Fletcher

Missing Since Gen Con: Robert the Bard

As some of you may know, Gen Con(a major science fiction, fantasy and gaming convention) took place in the area here not that long ago. Whether you’re a librarian or a fan, you’ve probably been to some kind of convention at some time. They are a great way to meet people with common interests, widen your knowledge, geek on favorite authors and/or authorities in your field, and, most of all, have fun. Science fiction, fantasy, and gaming together cover a huge number of topics, genres, events, and people, including writers, readers, and consumers of the horror genre.  If you want a feel for what science fiction, fantasy, and horror lovers are looking for, and you want to get them into your library, look for a local con in your community, and go in with an open mind. It’s worth it to check it out.

A transcript of  the following report was forwarded to us by our reviewer Aaron Fletcher, who attended Gen Con 2013 and acquired this digital recording of an interview conducted by Robert the Bard there that may shed some light on the convention experience.


Report From the Floor of Gen Con 2013 Day 2 August 16, 2013.

Transcribed by Aaron Fletcher

Robert the Bard: Hello everyone, Robert the Bard reporting from the Indianapolis Convention Center, where I am attending Gen Con 2013! I am here today talking with the lesser known “heroes” of Gen Con: the monsters. Without them, there would be no Gen Con. Here to start us off is this splendid, absolutely gruesome ogre named Grug. How are you enjoying Gen Con, Grug?


Grug: Me not.


Robert the Bard: You’re not?!? What seems to be the problem?


Grug: Me rest in dungeon when horde of humans rush in and hit Grug. Hit Grug in tummy. Hurt Grug! Take Grug treasure! Why humans do that?


Robert the Bard: Well, Grug, I imagine they did that to have an adventure.


Grug: Grug want treasure back! Grug MAD!!!


Robert the Bard: All right! All right now, Grug! Take it easy. No need to go on a rampage now. I’m sure you can go on an adventure of your own and get treasure from some innocent people in a little while. Why don’t you take in some of the other events at Gen Con while you wait?


Grug: Events??!?!? What events mean?



Robert the Bard: Well I’m talking about the other things going on here at Gen Con. There’s The Film Festival, the Writer’s Symposium, and the Art Show. Maybe pick up something to read or a fantastic work of art for your dungeon.



Grug: Stories scare Grug. Always of Adventurers kill monsters. Make Grug sad. Dungeon has art. Mrs. Grug jealous artist. She no like other art.



Robert the Bard: Oh, I see, Grug. Well if you don’t like those things, you can play a game or learn a new one. After all, Gen Con is known for all kinds of role playing games, board games and card games. You can even buy the games right here.



Grug: What kind games?



Robert the Bard: Well, just about anything you can imagine. There are fantasy Games, science fiction Games, horror Games, world building games, and just about anything else you can think of.



Grug: Oh. Grug like fantasy adventure game. Get treasure…



Robert the Bard: You do! Well what’s it called, Grug? I’ll help you find some treasure.



Grug: You help Grug?!?!?



Robert the Bard: Sure I will! What do you say…Uh…What are you doing, Grug? Uh, take it easy now…



Grug: Hehe! Grug like smash talky talky human! Here Grug come!



Robert the Bard: Put that club down now before somebody gets hurt! Grug! Grug!



Grug: Hehe! Grug like puny human run away. It fun!



Robert the Bard: Uh well folks there you have it. This is your reporter on the floor of Gen Con 2013 saying…..I gotta RUUUUNNN!!!!



Grug: Hehe! Treasure!!!!!


Note: This was intended to be a multiple part series reporting on all aspects of the cultural and social gaming event known as Gen Con 2013. Unfortunately, Robert the Bard has not been heard from since. If anyone knows his whereabouts please let us know. It would be greatly appreciated as we would like to get the rest of the series, so we can share it with you. Oh, and, of course, we are concerned for his safety.

Guest Post by Colleen Wanglund: Does Misogyny Exist in Horror?

There is nothing new about sexism and misogyny in the geek community.

Some of the things women have experienced are daily things that don’t seem like they’d be a big deal on their own, but stack up over time (I’m not going to link to it, but just search “feminist gamer bingo” and you’ll see the kinds of comments many geek women hear). Some of them are more obvious incidents, especially at cons. Cosplayers (people who wear costumes to represent a particular fictional character) in particular often face harassment, but it’s not limited to them– con attendees, authors, and panelists have all experienced disheartening behaviors due to their gender. Author Ann Aguirre wrote about her own experiences at cons not that long ago, and caused enough of a flurry to qualify for an interview at Publishers Weekly (link here). There continues to be a belief that the way things are now– both the actual treatment of geek women and girls and the representation of women in the media they consume– is okay, or at least to be expected. It’s not, and it’s important to be having a conversation about it. (Here are a couple of links that have contributed to that conversation- this article from  author John Scalzi, this article from Dr. Nerdlove, and for a slightly different and more personal take, this article by Mercedes Yardley. And, of course this awesome video from the Doubleclicks, which drives the point home with clarity).

Mostly, though, discussions on the treatment of women geeks have been focused on science fiction, fantasy, comics, and gaming communities of various kinds, horror being the redheaded stepchild of genre fiction (although there is a fair amount of overlap).  I asked Colleen Wanglund, one of our reviewers who is very involved in the horror community and in Women in Horror Month (held every February) if she would share her thoughts on misogyny and sexism in horror, and here is what she had to say.



Does Misogyny Exist in Horror?

I’m a geek—and unashamedly so.  I’m also a woman, which to some seems to be a contradiction.  So it distresses me to read about other women’s bad experiences within the realm of geekdom.  While I have been to some big conventions—namely New York ComicCon, Chiller, and Horrorfind—I personally have only had good experiences.  I’ve also been to my local comic shop on many occasions and have never gotten weird looks or been made to feel uncomfortable.  My daughter Darlene (you know her as the artist who created Horatio P. Bunny)(editor’s note: Horatio P. Bunny is the mascot for MonsterLibrarian.com) is a cosplayer—that’s costume player for the uninitiated–and has been to many more conventions than I and she has been the victim of the sexism that has taken hold.  I was shocked to hear some of what she has told me recently, and quite frankly, it disturbs me….A LOT.

This started out as a piece on the horror world, but let’s face it, there is a lot of overlap between horror, sci-fi, and fantasy.  We see it in everything from comics, movies, anime, manga and literature to video games, toys, cosplay and role playing games.  What’s got me riled up is the fact that many so called “geeks”, regardless of genre and whether they are fans, writers or other participants think that women cannot have the same interests as deeply as the men.  There are plenty of stories of convention goers angrily confronting female cosplayers, thinking they are only out for attention.  They have questioned these women to determine if they have the appropriate knowledge to be a geek.  There are stories of sexual harassment and assault, as though men think they can treat these women any way they please.  Ironically, the men who attend the various genre conventions don’t seem to mind the Booth Babes—women hired to work the booths of companies specifically to attract the male convention goers.  Women aren’t the marketing targets, although they attend, too; or maybe  the businesses there think women are not worth the effort to attract toward a particular booth or product.

What is interesting is that for every story of a woman being harassed, or accused of sleeping with a publisher to get their book in print, there is a story of women being treated with respect, and welcomed into the community of their choosing.  I have spoken to a number of female horror authors who have said their experiences have been nothing but good when it comes to dealing with other male writers, editors, or publishers, both through long-distance business dealings and in person at conventions and other events.  Some have even told me that if anything, the only bad experiences they may have had have come from other women.

Even looking at movies, women are forever portrayed as the damsel in distress having to be saved from the likes of Jason Vorhees, Michael Myers, Leatherface and Freddy Krueger.  But not so fast.  There is also the phenomenon of the Final Girl, the girl left standing in the aftermath of a crazed psychopath on a killing spree.  The Final Girl is no helpless female. On the contrary, she has survived and (usually) been responsible for the demise of the psycho.  And of course there have been plenty of badass heroines, including Ripley (Alien), Sarah Connor (Terminator), Alice (Resident Evil), Laurie Strode (Halloween), Heather (I Spit on Your Grave), Kristy (Hellraiser), and most recently Katniss (The Hunger Games), among many, many others.

So does misogyny exist in horror?  Or sci-fi and fantasy, for that matter?  I think it depends on who you talk to and how their own experiences frame their opinion.  Is it outright hatred of women?  I can’t say for sure. For some, I think it’s just arrogance to think women can’t participate in geekdom.  For others, I think it’s fear—fear of losing what these male geeks and writers have thought of as their domain.  One thing I do know is that it seems to mirror society, in general.  Women are always getting the short end of the stick, no matter how successful they become.  We see it with women who work behind the scenes in the horror film industry, with the male to female ratio of published stories in horror, the number of publishing houses run by men versus women, and in the ratio of awards given out to women in all aspects of the horror industry. While on the one hand it’s a good thing to see horror film festivals and book publishers focusing on the women in the industry, I also think it’s sad that these steps must be taken to give hard working women the recognition they deserve.

Either way, women have to work harder than most men to be successful in horror, sci-fi, fantasy, or whatever it is they are pursuing.  This is the reason behind the annual Women in Horror Recognition Month.  Taking place every February, the brainchild of Hannah Neurotica aims to bring to light all of the women in the horror film industry, both in front of the camera and behind it.  My personal involvement came about because I wanted to ensure that women in the horror literary industry also received their due.  There is support for women, both from other women as well as men.  Not all men are clueless.  Most of the men I have dealt with as a reviewer and writer have been nothing but supportive and respectful.  However, not everyone is so inclined to give their fellow writers, directors, gamers or fans the respect they deserve….and this is not going to change overnight.  But I believe it is changing.  The Viscera Film Festival and Bleedfest showcase female moviemakers.  In the literary world, an annual award given for “outstanding achievement in the literature of psychological suspense, horror and the dark fantastic” is named for Shirley Jackson, female author of such notable works as the short story “The Lottery” and the novel The Haunting of Hill House. 

Have I answered the question “Does misogyny exist in horror?”  I think there is some measure of misogyny and sexism but I don’t think it is as bad as some may think.  Again, this is dependent upon the individual’s own experiences.  It’s the remnants of a patriarchal society that is still struggling with women’s equality.


Colleen Wanglund