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Women in Horror Month: Drive, She Said: and Other Stories by Tracie McBride

cover art for Drive, She Said by Tracie McBride

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Drive, She Said and Other Stories by Tracie McBride

IFWG Publishing Australia, 2020

ISBN-13: 9781925956689

Available: Paperback, Kindle


This book contains eighteen short stories of horror and dark fantasy written by the author. The tales feature women as protagonists, doomed heroines, and villains. While all the stories in this collection are well executed and well written, a few of them stood out above the others for me.


The tale “Breaking Windows” treats possession as a virus transmitted somehow through sight. Treatment is an ocular prosthesis that are programmed with demonic spectrum detectors. Jess’ partner, Leo, opts to get them implanted and he does his best to persuade her to do the same. As the statistics look grimmer, and a pregnancy test comes out positive, Jess must make her choice.


In “Ugly”, Janine has a growth on her face that, after treatment, continues to grow…and grow…and grow. This story in particular has some gruesome body horror involved.


In “The Changing Tree”, Sten, Liath, and the other boys of age are counting the days until ‘Changing Day’. The priestesses who guard the Changing House don’t allow anyone in the grounds unless they are chosen. All that Sten knows is that the chosen walk in boys and walk out as women. All of the women of the village had the same origin. What unfolds is a touching story of the two friends as they grapple with the changes of identity, gender, and sexuality.


Lara and Maxine are sisters who share a dark secret in “Slither and Squeeze”. The story opens on a subway with Lara trying to calm down an old homeless man who is yelling about a snake, disrupting other passengers. After she gets him calmed down, the sisters have a conversation about what to do about the situation. He witnessed the Change, something the sisters can’t abide. However, they are at odds about what to do: kill him or leave him as his words are only the drivel of a deranged old man.


In “Life in Miniature”, Michael is picked up by a middle-aged woman, thinking this will be some kind of favours traded for a meal and a shower kind of thing, but discovers too late that she has a more specialized use for him. She has so many realistic dolls in the house, but they do not look quite right around the faces.


This is just a small offering that Tracie McBride offers in her book. She has a concise way of writing her short stories that did not leave me wanting more at the end. I don’t want to say she ties everything up nicely at the end. That does not quite fit. It’s more like she provides just enough in each tale for the reader to digest. I will definitely be picking up more of McBride’s work. Recommended.

Contains: blood, body horror, sex


Reviewed by Lizzy Walker

Book Review: Amari and the Night Brothers (Supernatural Investigations #1) by B.B. Alston

cover art for Amari and the Night Brothers by B.B. AlstonBookshop.org  |  Amazon.com )

Amari and the Night Brothers (Supernatural Investigations #1)  by B.B. Alston

Balzer + Bray, 2021

ISBN-13 : 978-0062975164

Available: Hardcover, Kindle edition, audiobook


Thirteen year old Amari Peters has some big footsteps to fill: her older brother Quinton was the highest performing student at ritzy Jefferson Academy. Since his disappearance (or possibly death) six months ago, Amari’s grades, and behavior, are slipping, and on the last day of school, she shoves a mean girl who makes a dig about her brother and loses her scholarship, her best opportunity to get out of the Rosewood Projects and go to college. Grounded indefinitely, Amari hasn’t been home long when the doorbell rings and she’s asked to sign for a package that, oddly, has been delivered to Quinton’s closet. Opening the package, Amari discovers she has been nominated by her missing brother for a scholarship to the Bureau of Supernatural Affairs training camp. The Bureau of Supernatural Affairs keeps supernatural creatures secret while also protecting innocent humans. Quinton and his partner, “special agents” for the Bureau, have gone missing from the Bureau as well, and Amari decides to attend the camp in hopes of discovering what happened to her brother.

Early on, Amari is discovered to have tremendous magical potential, but this turns out to be a major problem when her supernatural power is discovered to be magic, as magicians are universally considered bad and magic is illegal. Among a throng of privileged “legacy” trainees, Amari’s race, socioeconomic status, and illegal magic make her a pariah among the other trainees, and more determined than ever to qualify to become a Junior Agent and find the answers that will lead to her brother.

While individual elements of the story may sound familiar (a mysterious letter, a summer camp for teenage legacies, mythical and supernatural creatures hidden in plain view, and evil magicians all show up in either Harry Potter or Percy Jackson) B.B. Alston has mixed them up to create something very different. A big piece of that is that Amari, a smart and determined Black girl who already has to prove herself in the outside world, is the point of view character, so we get to see a resourceful character working hard who keeps going even when she’s discouraged by hostility and racism. Nobody hands her a destiny or quest to fulfil, does her homework for her, or makes decisions for her, although she occasionally gets a boost of encouragment from a friend. Alston is also incredibly creative in his world-building (talking elevators with individual personalites, delightful and spooky departmental names and descriptions, gorgeously described magical illusions, magic that can manipulate technology, gossip rags that give you juicy tidbits only when you ask the right questions, and so much more).

Although there are some terrifying creatures and spells, the scariest parts of the book really involve the people who interact with Amari: spoiled mean girl Lara van Helsing, who spreads nasty rumors; evil magician Raoul Moreau, one of the “Night Brothers”; racist kids who draw malicious graffiti on the walls of Amari’s bedroom; Bureau directors certain Amari is a danger to the supernatural world. Amari and the Night Brothers is more of a dark urban fantasy and coming-of-age story than it is a horror story, but it is a great #OwnVoices title that provides a fresh point of view in a genre that seems to be telling the same story over again and again. I’m looking forward to book #2. Highly recommended for grades 4-8

Book Review: The Year’s Best Dark Fantasy and Horror: Volume 1 edited by Paula Guran

A note from the editor:

We are getting near the end of November and Monster Librarian still needs to raise the funds to pay for our hosting fees and postage in 2021. If you like what we’re doing, please take a moment to click on that red “Contribute” button in the sidebar to the right, to help us keep going!  Even five dollars will get us closer to the $45 we still need to keep going at the most basic level. We have never accepted paid advertising so you can be guaranteed that our reviews are objective. We’ve been reviewing and supporting the horror community for 15 years now, help us make it another year! Thank you! And now our review of The Year’s Best Dark Fantasy & Horror: Volume 1 edited by Paula Guran.


cover art for The Year's Best Dark Fantasy and Horror Volume 1 edited by Paula Guran  ( Amazon.com )

The Year’s Best Dark Fantasy & Horror: Volume 1, edited by Paula Guran, cover design by Jennifer Do

Pyr Books, 2020

ISBN: 9781645060253

Available: Trade paperback, Kindle edition


After ten volumes of the series with Prime Books, acclaimed editor Paula Guran has moved to Pyr to continue her relentless search for the best dark fiction published during the previous year (in this case 2019). The present “debut” volume with the new publisher includes 25 short stories that were previously published in various genre anthologies and magazines.

As a confirmed horror fan, it seems to me that this time the balance is a bit too much in favor of fantasy tales, although, admittedly, the boundary between the two genres is often very thin.

Commenting upon such a huge anthology, featuring such a high number of stories, is a difficult task, so I will take advantage of my privilege as a reviewer to pinpoint just my favorite stories.

“The Promise of Saints” by Angela Slatter is a little gem of religious horror featuring a naive girl and  a powerful saint, while “Burrowing Machines” by Sara Saab is an intriguing tale set in the claustrophobic bowels of London, between the Tube and the elusive River Fleet.

In the short but effective “Haunt” by Carmen Maria Machado we meet a ghost who’s not a ghost, and in the disturbing “The Coven of Dead Girls” a group of murdered girls is haunting the house of their serial killer.

To me, the best story is Pat Cadigan’s “About the O’Dells”, a superbly written piece in which a murder from the past casts shadows on the neighborhood and affects the mind of a young girl.

As with any anthology, this one is a mixed bag, but well worth reading. Recommended for adult readers.


Reviewed by Mario Guslandi