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Banned Books Week: Rage by Stephen King

In doing a little research on Stephen King for Banned Books Week (many of his books have been challenged or banned) I learned something I didn’t know about. I always thought that his first book was Carrie, but Carrie was actually his first published book. I knew King had also previously written under the name Richard Bachman, and I’ve actually read two of them, Thinner and The Running Man (and find both terrifying). But, since I don’t keep up on these things I didn’t know that the first four Bachman novels had been published together. One of the stories included in that omnibus is King’s first novel, Rage, which tells the story of a high school shooter who takes his Algebra II class hostage, and the events that unroll within the classroom walls as everyone reveals their secrets. Rage was published in 1977, and republished with the other Bachman novels in 1985.  According to James Smythe, a writer for the Guardian who is rereading all of King’s work in chronological order (click here to see his commentary on Rage), King actually began writing this book in 1966, when he was still himself in high school. Today it seems unnervingly prescient, and in fact school shootings in 1989, 1996, and 1997  were apparently influenced by the book. After a fourth incident, when a 14 year old boy named Michael Carneal shot eight students at his high school, killing three, and also turned out to have Rage in his possession, King requested that the publisher let the book go out of print. It’s the only one of King’s books to have gone out of print. In a keynote he gave to the Vermont Library Association, he said (and this is a paraphrase):


Do I think that Rage may have provoked Carneal, or any other badly adjusted young person, to resort to the gun?

… There are factors in the Carneal case which make it doubtful that Rage was the defining factor, but I fully recognize that it is in my own self-interest to feel just that way; that I am prejudiced in my own behalf. I also recognize the fact that a novel such as Rage may act as an accelerant on a troubled mind… That such stories, video games… or photographic scenarios will exist no matter what–that they will be obtainable under the counter if not over it–begs the question. The point is that I don’t want to be a part of it. Once I knew what had happened, I pulled the ejection-seat lever on that particular piece of work. I withdrew Rage, and I did it with relief rather than regret.

Rage is not a banned book. If you wanted to, you could, I suppose, seek it out. But, even though King has written another novel about a murderous high school student, Carrie, Carrie doesn’t seem to inspire the uncomfortable feeling Rage did, for him to allow it to go out of print. He continues to write stories and books that inspire terror and horror, or at least unease, and has written other books that have been challenged or banned, something he strongly believes should always be protested.

So perhaps it comes down to this question: What is the responsibility of the author to his or her readers, and to society? The ideas and words contained in a book can be very powerful and it’s always possible that they will lead to destructive (or incredibly inspiring) acts. There’s always someone at the tipping point. That doesn’t mean the person will necessarily fall or that the work should be silenced. Earshot, the episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer that contained a school shooting and was scheduled to be shown shortly after the Columbine shooting, was pushed back further into that season, but it hasn’t faded into obscurity. In the same keynote address, King noted:

If, on the other hand, you were to ask me if the presence of potentially unstable or homicidal persons makes it immoral to write a novel or make a movie in which violence plays a part, I would say absolutely not. In most cases, I have no patience with such reasoning. I reject it as both bad thinking and bad morals. Like it or not, violence is a part of life and a unique part of American life. If accused of being part of the problem, my response is the time-honored reporter’s answer: “Hey, many, I don’t make the news, I just report it.”

Perhaps it just makes King uncomfortable that the sale of Rage might have been a motivating factor in more than one of the cases I mentioned above. I know I would feel that way. He wasn’t forced into his decision– letting Rage go out of print was a personal decision and a request he made of his publisher. It does beg the question though–  where do we draw the line, as readers and writers? It’s something each of us must do on our own. King drew his. Where would you draw yours?



The Best and Worst of Stephen King

I think we can all agree that Stephen King is such a part of American pop culture that it’s hard to have gotten through the past forty years without experiencing at least one of his stories in book, graphic novel, television, or movie form. Even people who don’t read horror may have read Stephen King- my sister, for instance, who has complete disdain for genre fiction, loved The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon. It’s actually one of the few books that she and my dad, who has much different reading tastes, will both discuss enthusiastically with each other.

King is a huge draw for reluctant readers. One King-obsessed guy I knew in college had never read anything until he discovered and devoured King. The Stand is the ONLY book I know of that my best friend has read cover to cover twice (she also brought the audiobook of Nightmares and Dreamscapes with her on an endless car trip we took together one summer to the Pennsic War. King in audio is pretty awesome).

Still, I am really pretty darn impressed that someone took the time to read everything he’s ever written and rank the books in order (click here to see the rankings). I know there are people who have read all of his stuff, but I certainly can’t claim to have done so. The rankings, as rankings always are, are pretty subjective and open to debate, but my gosh! It takes perserverance to get through some of those books (ahem, IT), and for the very reason that many non-readers of horror have found a King book they like, it’s hard, I think, to find someone who will find that all of his books will be personally appealing. I think that actually makes it hard for librarians to know which of his books to recommend. If someone comes in looking for another King book, is it because they loved Lisey’s Story, or because they were scared out of their wits by The Shining? I’d love to know if Becky Siegel Spratford, the RA queen of horror, has a list of read-alikes for them, since so many of them are so different in nature.

I will admit that I haven’t read a lot of the books that made the top ten. Some I had no desire to read, others I had no access to (a lot of the King I read was stolen from my dad’s bedside table). And my favorites, with the exception of Misery, didn’t make the top ten on this particular list. Carrie is right there at the top for me. When I read it in high school (which is the best time to read it) I literally jumped out of my seat when the bell at the end of study hall rang.

So, King. What are your top picks? Do you agree with the author of the rankings list?

Written In Blood

I loved The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian so much that I gave it away to someone I thought would love it just as much. I guess she did, because she never returned it. Sherman Alexie is just that good. Honestly, I couldn’t believe Meghan Cox Gurdon could possibly be calling his work depraved. It’s a book that opens eyes- not one that turns out the light.

I am thrilled that he wrote a response to the Wall Street Journal, in their Speakeasy blog, titled “Why The Best Kids’ Books Are Written In Blood”. And I think what he said about his personal experience with books is so important to the way adults think about teens’ reading. Their experiences, and their reading, are often multidimensional. No one made me follow up Inherit the Wind with Ira Stone’s thick biography Clarence Darrow for the Defense. Reading Carrie didn’t stop me from reading Little Women. It doesn’t have to be an either/or kind of situation. And this is what Alexie expresses in a very personal way. He writes,

“As a child, I read because books–violent and not, blasphemous and not, terrifying and not–were the most loving and trustworthy things in my life. I read widely, and loved plenty of the classics so, yes, I recognized the domestic terrors faced by Louisa May Alcott’s March sisters. But I became the kid chased by werewolves, vampires, and evil clowns in Stephen King’s books. I read books about monsters and monstrous things, often written with monstrous language, because they taught me how to battle the real monsters in my life”.

I know that’s an awfully long quote, but I think his words here are so important. In her book Don’t Tell The Grownups, Alison Lurie writes about how the very nature of important children’s books is subversive. Those books aren’t written to make grownups feel comfortable. They continue to be important because children need to find within themselves what makes grownups uncomfortable, and those books are where they discover how to live in a world in which they have very little control.

Thank you, Mr. Alexie, for speaking up.