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Book Review: Absalom’s Wake, Part Five: Ocean Born by Nancy A. Collins

Absalom’s Wake Part Five: Ocean Born by Nancy A. Collins

Biting Dog Publications, 2013


Available: eBook(Smashwords, Kindle)


Absalom’s Wake Part Five: Ocean Born picks up where part four left off.  The crew is recovering from the fight with the savage shark-men of the Mano Kanaka tribe.  Ten crew members lie dead, including Captain Solomon.  The only surviving officer is Mr. Godward, and he assumes command as captain.  Captain Godward decides they are too close to catching King Jim’s harem to stop the hunt and look for new crew members.  The hunt continues!

That evening Koro reveals to Jonah that he is descended from one of the Ocean Born, the gods of his people: Ikatere, the Dolphin God. After they fall asleep, Jonah dreams of swimming under the sea with Koro.  He is told that it is taboo to hunt King Jim’s harem in these waters.  The Absalom is doomed!

The next morning dawns blood red, and the Absalom is in the midst of the harem.  Koro refuses to break his taboo and hunt the whales.  Captain Godward orders the crew to clap Koro in irons.  Eager hands hold Koro until his secret is revealed.  Koro is a merman!  The shocked crew cries, “Monster!” as Koro dives into the sea, narrowly escaping torture.

This part is as splendid a read as the others in this six part series.  The descriptions are just enough to keep it interesting without bogging down the action.  The characters each have distinctive voices and have developed to show more depth in each part.  The tone has maintained throughout the series very well.  The multi-layered plot line is a lot of fun.  The mystery and tension keep building as one question leads to another.  This is what keeps me hooked!  Previous works by this author I have read are: Absalom’s Wake, Part One: Gone A’ Whaling; Absalom’s Wake, Part Two: Blood on the Beach; Absalom’s Wake, Part Three: The Whale Rider; Absalom’s Wake, Part Four:Terror Comes Aboard.  Recommended for adult readers.


Contains:  Racist Language, Swearing


Note: Absalom’s Wake is a six-part ebook serial. Check out these reviews of earlier parts of the story!

Absalom’s Wake, Part One: A Serial Adventure of Terror on the High Seas

Absalom’s Wake, Part Two: Terror on the Beach

Absalom’s Wake, Part Three: The Whale Rider

Absalom’s Wake, Part Four: Terror Comes Aboard

Book Review: Traitor’s Blade by Sebastian De Castell

Traitor’s Blade by Sebastien De Castell

Jo Fletcher Books, 2014

ISBN: 978-1-62365-809-0

Available:  Hardcover, paperback, Kindle edition


The King is dead.  The land is burning.  The King’s Magisters, known as Greatcoats, have been disbanded and scattered to the winds.  Their leader, Falcio, is trying to finish his dead King’s final secret order.  With him are Kest and Brasti, his two best friends and also members of the now disbanded Greatcoats, reviled as traitors for stepping aside and letting their King be murdered by the Dukes.  The resulting power vacuum has created chaos throughout the kingdom, as the Dukes fight for supremacy.  The only hope is for the Greatcoats to reunite.  Falcio, Kest and Bresti must restore order, or their Kingdom will be destroyed.

Traitor’s Blade was a fun, swashbuckling adventure to read.  The three main characters brought to mind the Three Musketeers as they fought their way through the adventure.  Each of the characters had distinctive voices and the dialog flowed very smoothly.  The desciptions worked well and set the stage for the action without slowing it down.  The action was great fun!  The chases and sword fights kept the tension flowing.  The plot twisted and turned and kept me guessing what would happen next.  The political intrigue was enough to keep me wondering, without bogging it all down.  All in all, great fun!  Recommended for adult readers who enjoy swashbuckling fantasy.


Contains:  Sexual situations, swearing

Reviewed by Aaron Fletcher

Book Review: The Blood Guard by Carter Roy

The Blood Guard by Carter Roy

Two Lions, 2014

ISBN: 9781477847251

Available: Hardcover, Kindle edition


The Blood Guard is the first book in a trilogy by Carter Roy. In this snarky comic adventure, we meet Evelyn Ronan Truelove (who simply wishes to be called Ronan). Ronan is an oddball. A bit of a loner, his mother has had him heavily programmed with gymnastics, kendo, judo, and wilderness survival classes since he was 5. At the age of 13, Ronan discovers his mother waiting for him after school, and well before any extracurricular classes begin. She drives him off to the train station, where she has a fight with some shadowy figures in suits, and Ronan learns her mom is part of an ancient organization, The Blood Guard. When Ronan’s mom disappears, he suddenly finds himself in the company of a pickpocket named Jack and a sarcastic girl named Greta, who inform Ronan that he is to be inducted into the Blood Guard.

The Blood Guard protects the 36 “pure souls” of the world from the evil intentions of the Bend Sinister. The Bend Sinister is a band of villains whose sole purpose is to cause havoc by toying with the number of pure people in the world. Great and terrible historical events have occurred as a consequence of the Bend Sinister successfully removing even just a few of the pure ones.

I love this book. It’s warm, funny and very irreverent. Carter Roy’s command of snarky humor is most excellent. Highly recommended for young adult readers, particularly if you like action comedies or fantasy adventures.

Contains: Violence and light profanity.

Reviewed by Benjamin Franz