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Contest: Win a Werewolf!

Okay, not an actual werewolf. But in honor of Werewolf Month, HalloweenCostumes.com has offered to give away two Full Moon Werewolf Costumes, which include a shirt with attached fur and a Motion Mask- the mouth and lips move when you do, from their collection of werewolf costumes. Here’s the costume description:

Howl at the moon all night long in this full moon werewolf costume! The scary costume includes a full, realistic werewolf mask. The mask is covered in faux grey fur and is made from polyester. It has a plastic interior while the exterior is covered in a rubber foam like material. The mask’s jaw moves when you move your mouth. If the mask is too large, foam blocks are included to enclose the gaps and create movement. An adjustable velcro strap on the interior secures the mask in place and slits for the eyes provide unrestricted vision. The white, black and green flannel shirt is made from polyester and has shredded edges for a worn appearance. Padding fills the shoulders for a full look and fur emerges from the chest, torso and sleeves to complete your transformation. Bring this full-moon legend to life in this great costume!

Words don’t do it justice though- even if you aren’t interested in owning a werewolf costume, you should still go watch the video– it mesmerized my five year old.

So… The contest. Tell us what your favorite werewolf moment is, in fiction, television, movies, or video games. Post below and I’ll pick winners randomly at the end of July.

Oh, I should add that this contest is open only to US residents, and, of course, that we are not being compensated in any way for holding it. We just like werewolves.

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14 comments on “Contest: Win a Werewolf!

  • My favorite werewolf moment happened when I was 13, I was living with my grandparents and had just started my life long love affair with horror. Around this time HBO was airing the Werewolf series, between that and my first taste of the Howling movies I had a pretty good idea of what a werewolf should look like and why I should be afraid.
    One night while my grandpa was out I was left with my grandma, someone knocked on the door and I got a very bad feeling. She went to open it and all I could see was a werewolf shove it’s head in, I screamed like a little girl and ran. It turned out to be my grandpa in the most realistic mask I had ever seen, but the panic from that moment is still with me to this day.

  • I work at our local library,so we see all kinds of people.One day a not so regular patron proclaimed himself to be a budding werewolf and continued on and on about his ancestory.It was a long day..

  • I’ve too many favourable memories of werewolves in my life (I read at-minimum 100 books a year) and have enjoyed their depiction in a myriad of forms. One of the best, though, would fall upon Dog Soldiers (2002 movie). It’s straightforward delivery of the horror and graphic drama of the werewolf story was fresh, to me. It combined the visual genius of An American Werewolf in London and the grit and verve of classic zombie horror/slasher flicks. It’s stuck with me in the back of my head, as visual cues in many of the darker scenes I’ve written.

  • My favorite werewolf moment — and I KNOW it is cheesey as all can be — is when Michael J. Fox “surfs” the van in “Teen Wolf.” It was my first Monster Movie that I saw in the theater. I’ve had plenty of good werewolf scares since then and read some great werewolf books (like Carl’s “Bestial: Werewolf Apocolypse”), but the pure stupid fun of a werewolf in sunglasses doing tricks on top of a slow-moving van has always stuck out in my mind.

  • my favorite werewolf moment is from a movie called beast of bray road

    • Robert, no kidding, I just watched that movie yesterday. I’m not sure if it’s so-bad-it’s good or just really bad. However, I must admit, I couldn’t stop watching it. My favorite was how they portayed all WI residents as ignorant, wife-beating, red-neck hillbillies and then, just before the credits, dedicated the movie to the people of Wisconsin! Too funny!

  • I liked Waldemar in Night of the Werewolf (1981) for the humor of the sappy cheesy plot. The film’s got quick violence, silly acting and bare boobs. A recent film called Dog Soldiers is probably better cinema.

  • Growing up a comic book nerd, Werewolf by Night #32 was my Holy Grail of comic books. It featured the first appearance of my favorite superhero, Moon Knight. But alas, there was no ebay back then. The comic was quite rare and very expensive. Then the Internet was invented, and I got myself a job. My best werewolf moment (aside from the time I was bitten, but that’s another story) is the day I added Werewolf by Night #32 to my nerdy, er, cool comic book collection.

  • My favorite werewolf moment / memory is definitely Michael Jackson’s “were-cat” from the Thriller video. I was young enough that it was terrifying but old enough that it was completely mesmerizing. I think I kept the local mom and pop video store in business just by renting The Making of Thriller over and over. It really kicked off my love of the genre and special effects. I was so completely interested in the behind the scenes footage of the concept and creation of the metamorphosis. This also led me to becoming aware of An American Werewolf in London which is of course the best ever transformation sequence on film.

  • It’s a toss-up. Seeing THE HOWLING when it came out. It was everything I’d ever imagined a werewolf should be (well, maybe except for the bunny ears). To this day it’s my all-time favorite werewolf movie.

    Then there’s the time…I was in a hospital, wandering the halls. Screaming attracted me and I opened the doors to see a werewolf strapped to a table with doctors experimenting on it. They had partially skinned it. It broke free and took out the doctors. I ran and it chased me. I made it into another room. I braced my back against the door, trying to hold it shut as the enraged werewolf pounded against it. My feet slid a little every time it hit the door and I knew I couldn’t keep it out.

    Then I woke up.

    And was mad as hell that I’d woken up at that moment and missed what happened next. Tried for weeks to put myself back in that room and see how it turned out. I still wonder….

  • The Michael Jackson Thriller video is one of the most famous video clips of all time. That single film clip changed the way film clips were both produced and viewed. A 14 minute video clip was unheard of for the time and it set the world records for “Most Successul Music Video”. Thriller was seen as a mini-movie and completely different from the “band standing in front of a camera playing their song” type of film clip. It was the first of many video clips that Michael Jackson would produce that were spectacular in their production. `

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