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Book Review: EVIL by Wol-vriey

EVIL,  by Wol-vriey

Burning Bulb Publishing, 2019

ISBN: 978-0-9977-7304-0

Available: Paperback, Kindle edition


Wol-vriey’s latest, EVIL, reads like a pastiche of 80’s horror films and 70’s creature features: all the elements are there.  Creepy farmhouse in the middle of nowhere?  Check.  Protagonists who do dumb things?  Check.  Freaky monsters from Hell?  Check.  Drinking, drugs, graphic violence and graphic, needless sex?  Check, check, check, and check.   It’s not to say that combining tried and true elements like the above is a bad thing– it can still be fun.  This story is entertaining, but it does feel a little predictable at times.  It’s a decent effort from a splatter-specialist author that his fans will probably enjoy; it just isn’t quite up to the level of his best works.

Ronan Higgins is the classic “farmer in the middle of nowhere”, which, in this case, is western Massachusetts.  When his 19-year-old daughter dies in a farming accident, Fate intervenes in the form of a tall man who appears from nowhere, known as the Bargainer. Ronan cuts a deal with him to get his daughter back, but Ronan’s end of it involves planting special seeds the Bargainer gives him, which need to grow in human flesh.  Lots and lots, of torn up, bloody human flesh.  Ronan conveniently has a large outdoor birthday party planned for his 29-year-old niece Sylvia the next weekend, so there’s your victim supply.  You can guess the rest; it’s a late night drink, drug and sex party, and most of the people are quickly disposed of in messy fashion, either by Ronan or the demons from Hell that show up.   The rest of the story concerns those plucky few survivors who endeavor to avoid becoming exotic fertilizer for the Bargainer and Ronan’s seeds.

This is a nice, simple story with some creative ideas, and enough blood and entrails to keep the gorehounds happy.  There are axes, chainsaws, and someone getting nailed to a pallet while still alive, plus demons burning people to death– enough to satisfy the hardcore readers.  The story moves at a quick pace;  it just feels a bit light and predictable in places.  The demons in the story add a new dimension to the narrative, but they get very minimal page time, and little is given to explaining the Bargainer or his minions.  The characters behave in foolish ways, like they do in any 80’s cinema splatfest, so you can usually predict what’s going to happen to them, which takes away from some of the fun.  The end does toss in a little twist, but overall, the reader will be able to guess what will happen a few pages in advance.  It’s still fun, but the predictability does flatten out the excitement somewhat.

If you liked Wol-vriey’s writing before, EVIL probably won’t change your opinion.  It’s entertaining, but you might feel like it was a good idea that could have been a bit better.  If you haven’t read him before, you might want to start with one of his other books.


Contains: graphic violence, graphic sex, drug use, rape.


Reviewed by Murray Samuelson


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