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Women in Horror Fiction: Elizabeth Massie

Elizabeth Massie’s works are mostly in the horror genre. Her debut novel, Sineater, and her novella, Stephen have both won the Bram Stoker Award. I was surprised to discover that she also writes historical fiction and educational books for children (including Rigby readers– so if you have elementary aged children they may have read one of her books already) but she also writes mainstream fiction, media tie-ins and poetry. Her Tudors novelization (season 3) won the Scribe Award. She is now working on Ameri-Scares (Crossroad Press), a 50 novel series of spooky books for middle grade readers (a few of these are available on Kindle), as well as new novels and short works for adults. Her short story “Abed” has been made into a short film. Her most recent works include the novels Hell Gate (DarkFuse, 2013) ) and Desper Hollow (Apex Books, 2013).


1. Can you give our readers a brief introduction?

I’m a ninth generation Virginian…not a deep Southerner as in Spanish moss, ‘gators, and bayous, but more of a “bless your heart,” don’t-honk-your-car-horn-at-someone-unless-he’s-getting-ready-to-run-into-you, and eat Sunday lunch at Grandma’s house kind of Southern. I live in the country four miles from where I was born, so you could say I’m rooted. Of course, you could say lots of other stuff, too, but let’s move on.

I have written stories since I was old enough to hold a pencil, and I love stories in all their forms…books, magazines, plays, film, dance, mime– well, not so much mime. I don’t have an e-book reader but might get one some day. Anyhoo, I’ve been writing and selling horror fiction since the mid-1980’s. My first two short stories were published by the great, legendary magazine, The Horror Show, edited by David Silva. Since then, I’ve had published nine horror novels for adults, four horror novels for younger readers, six collections of horror fiction, and more than 100 short stories in various magazines and anthologies. I also write tons of other stuff, too, but again, let’s move on.


2. Why do you write horror?  What draws you to the genre? 

I was a scaredey-cat at a kid. Ultra-sensitive to the world around me. I don’t mean I just sat in the corner and screamed, but it was like going around with a layer of skin rubbed off. Frightening things were everywhere. There was a witch who lived down the street. There was a creepy family who lived across the street, a family we as kids knew would kidnap you and lock you in their attic if you crossed their lawn. There was a disembodied head that lived on top of the radiator in my bedroom, but only at night. There were things in the shadows in the basement that had no form but were just as happy to catch you and chew you up.

And so I’m thinking I got into writing horror because it gave me a way to look at a scary thing and deal with it and sometimes figure a way out of it or even defeat it. In fact, one of my more recent collections– Sundown (Necon E-books) – is dedicated to “All Who Stare Long and Hard into the Darkness to Better Appreciate the Light.” But then again, maybe there are other reasons I, and people like me, write horror. Reasons we’ll never really understand.


3. Can you describe your writing style or the tone you prefer to set  for your stories?

It really depends on the story, the market, and my mood when I come up with an idea. More often than not, I write horror that is more character-driven and introspective. I do that because, for the most part, it’s the kind of horror I like to read. Now, I don’t mean soft or mild horror. For example, my short story “Abed” (originally published in Still Dead and now a short film by Ryan Lieske) has been called “one of the most disturbing horror stories ever written.” Yet, it is not a slam-bam, action-packed tale. It’s claustrophobic and terrifying and actually quite sad. That said, I can write– and have written– slam-bam, action-packed horror, too, when that seems to suit the story.


4. Who are some of your influences?  Are there any women authors who have particularly inspired you to write?

I’m influenced one way or other by most everyone I’ve read. Either, “That person can really write!” and so what can I learn from her/him? Or “That story or novel pretty much sucks!” and so what can I learn that?

Growing up in the 50’s and 60’s, I adored several kids’ mystery series like The Happy Hollisters (Jerry West) and Trixie Belden (originally Julie Campbell but then in-house writers picked it up – most likely women and men, both.) By the time I was ten, I was seeking out scary things to read, like the old Alfred Hitchcock anthologies (such as the Ghostly Gallery) and Gold Key’s The Twilight Zone comic books. In looking back, it seems most if not all the Alfred Hitchcock stories were penned by men. From what I can tell, The Twilight Zone comics were written and illustrated by men.

As a young teen I went on to read adult horror and science fiction novels by men such as Ray Bradbury, John Hersey, Julian Gloag, and Robert Bloch. I didn’t discover women horror writers until I was a young adult– Shirley Jackson and Flannery O’Connor, primarily. They seemed like an afterthought among all the male authors. Yet, that imbalance didn’t strike me at the time. I wasn’t tuned into the gender discrepancy. I guess I was more about what made an engaging, terrifying, story rather than if the author was male or female.

So as to which women authors inspired me to write, I’d have to say none, really. I started writing very early… stories were inside me that needed to be told. Then again, maybe I was inspired by every female author I ever read whose name didn’t register on my radar because I was more concerned with the story than with who wrote it.

I was and continue to be inspired by good writing, whomever it is who creates it.


5. What authors do you like to read?  Any recommendations?

These days, more women are writing horror than when I was growing up. Or at least more are being published than when I was growing up. I think there will always be more men in the field, though, because I think men generally are more interested in horror than women. It’s just an observation… few women I know (and I know quite a few) enjoy and seek out horror. Many more men friends do. Is that me being naïve or sexist toward my own sex? I don’t think so. But because fewer women are in the field, they do tend to get overlooked more often. There aren’t as many books by “us” on the shelves. And it could be that some readers think women won’t attack horror as boldly as men.

That said, let me recommend the writings of Lisa Mannetti, Billie Sue Mosiman, Nancy Holder, Nancy Kilpatrick, Poppy Z. Brite (now Billy Martin), Yvonne Navarro, Linda Addison, Chesya Burke, Lisa Morton, Monica O’Rourke, Fran Friel, Rhodi Hawk, and Mary SanGiovanni, as well as others, have impressed me as both a reader and a writer. Their works are deep, thought-provoking, memorable, gritty, and scary as all hell. These women deserve more bookshelf space.


6. Where can readers find your work?

My most recent works include the novels Hell Gate (DarkFuse, 2013) ) and Desper Hollow (Apex Books, 2013).  I also have short stories out in the 2013 magazine Dark Discoveries #25 and the 2013 anthology Shadow Masters. My website has more listings: www.elizabethmassie.com


7. Is there anything else you’d like to share with librarians and readers?

Sometimes we have to look beyond what publishers push and promote to find other gems among the offerings. They are there, and they may be the surprise we were looking for. And someday, we won’t need a Women in Horror month. Those who write well will be as much in the public eye as their male counterparts, and the gender of an author writing horror won’t be a defining issue anymore.


Want to learn more or check out her work? Visit Elizabeth Massie’s Amazon page, her website, or this article on Wikipedia, which, although it doesn’t have multiple sources, does provide biographical information and a fairly comprehensive, easy to read list of her works.

Come visit again soon! We have a great post  coming up soon from librarian Becky Siegel Spratford, queen of reader’s advisory in the horror genre–  you won’t want to miss it!


Women in Horror Fiction: Mary SanGiovanni

Image of Mary SanGiovanni

Mary SanGiovanni is the author of a number of novels, including The Hollower TrilogyThe Hollower (2007 Leisure Books), Found You (2008 Leisure Books) and The Triumvirate (2012 Thunderstorm Books); Thrall (2011 Thunderstorm Books), and Chaos (2013 Thunderstorm Books), a few novellas, including For Emmy (Thunderstorm Books), and her short work has appeared in a number of collections, including her own Under Cover of Night (2002 Flesh & Blood Press) and Is There A Demon in You? (Camelot Books).


1. Can you give our readers a brief introduction?

My name is Mary SanGiovanni, and I have written five supernatural horror novels, three novellas, and numerous short stories over the last 15 years or so.  I have a Masters degree in Writing Popular Fiction from Seton Hill University, and am a member of The Authors Guild. I’ve been published by both NY publishing houses and small presses, and have been both traditionally and non-traditionally published.  I am currently working on a new novel, a number of short stories, and a new novella, to all hopefully be completed and published this year.


2. Why do you write horror?  What draws you to the genre?

I’ve come to the conclusion over time that I write horror for a number of reasons.  For one, there’s a thrill in writing a fun, scary story. But it’s more than that.  With all the injustice in the world, all the unexplained violence, all the senseless brutality that we have little or no control over, preventing, or fixing, fiction gives me an outlet to vicariously re-establish justice in the world, to oversee or control the universe.  Also, I believe essentially in the innate goodness of human beings.  Horror to me is a genre of hope, of survival – in this genre, we can safely explore and learn to cope with a wide range of fears and insecurities.  Often, horror re-establishes perspective on one’s own life, and offers a glimpse into not just the lowest and vilest that humanity has to offer, but also the most heroic, clever, and triumphant.


3. Can you describe your writing style or the tone you prefer to set for your stories?

I guess I think of myself as writing supernatural/psychological horror, more quiet than splattery, often with monsters.  I strive to get my work to tap into true fear, whether it’s falling on the disquiet/disturbing side of the spectrum or the flat-out terror end.  To me, graphic depictions of violence or viscera are necessary only so much as a true understanding of the threat – the monster, the killer, what have you – is established.


4. Who are some of your influences?  Are there any women authors who have particularly inspired you to write?

I think our particular genre is rich with literary greats.  A few whose work has influenced me noticeably and greatly are Stephen King, Peter Straub, Gary Braunbeck, Ramsey Campbell, Edgar Allan Poe, H.P. Lovecraft, William Faulkner, Dennis Lehane, Ian McEwan, along with great female writers Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Shirley Jackson, Joyce Carol Oates, Sarah Langan, Beth Massie, and Yvonne Navarro.  Honestly, I think writers can’t help but be influenced by so many sources – not just good books but good movies, video games, art, non-fiction, and music, both inside and outside of the horror genre.  I think just life experience – news, current events, social trends, those special personal moments, those terrible moments, dreams, nightmares, human interaction – it’s all an influence on fiction.


5. What authors do you like to read?  Any recommendations?

I’d say work from any of the above-mentioned authors are all valuable reads: King’s IT, The Shining, or Skeleton Crew, Straub’s Ghost Story or Houses Without Doors, Campbell’s Alone With The Horrors, Lehane’s Shutter Island, Lovecraft’s or Poe’s collected works, Langan’s Audrey’s Door, Jackson’s Haunting of Hill House, etc.

6. Where can readers find your work? 

Most of my work is currently available in paperback and e-book on Amazon.  A handy guide to what’s available and where can be found at: http://marysangi.wordpress.com/bookstore-2/.


Interested in learning more? Visit Mary SanGiovanni’s Amazon page or her blog.

Come back soon and see who we talk to next!

Women in Horror Fiction: J. Lincoln Fenn

Image of J. Lincoln Fenn    


If you haven’t discovered J.Lincoln Fenn yet, you should check out her debut novel, Poe (2013, 47North). It’s got lots of dark humor, a great, quirky narrator, and while the story is firmly grounded in the present, it’s also a fantastical tale of insanity with a chilling, gothic feel. Poe also made the preliminary ballot for this year’s Stoker Awards. If any of that intrigues you, today Poe is available as a Kindle Daily Deal, so it’s a great time to check it out.


1.) Can you give our readers a brief introduction?

I’m just a white girl from Massachusetts who lives in Hawaii and writes dark things. My debut novel Poe won the 2013 Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award for Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror, which led to its publication by 47North. A complete and utter surprise since about 10,000 people enter that contest each year.

Poe is a genre blend of horror/urban fantasy/dark humor, more along the lines of John Dies in the End than your standard horror novel. It centers on Dimitri Petrov, a 23-yr. old, snarky obituary writer who wakes up on a slab in the morgue after a Halloween séance gone bad. Things go downhill from there.


2.) Why do you write horror?  What draws you to the genre?

Probably my Roman-Catholic roots and New England upbringing draws me to horror. Christianity is a religion based on one of the goriest books ever written, with a Sunday ritual involving the transfiguration of a wafer and wine into flesh and blood, which everyone consumes. And New England is just inherently spooky. Those long, dark winters with the wind howling around the eaves explain a lot about Hawthorne, Poe, and Lovecraft.

I write horror because I think it’s where we get to explore our darkest fears. Stephen King said, “Fiction is the truth inside the lie.” The truth inside horror is our fear of death. Some cultures take this on more directly. In Tibet, they practiced ‘sky burial’ where a corpse was dismembered as an offering to the vultures, a more literal form of transfiguration except the deity is impermanence.


3.) Can you describe your writing style or the tone you prefer to set for your stories?

I want to wake people up when I write. I want to them to read something and go, no, she didn’t just say that, did she? I want my words to do something. When I was writing Poe I was reading Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and Great Expectations. Tonally there’s something gonzo-style about Dimitri’s voice, and the only better snark than Charles Dickens is George Eliot.

I also like playing disparate notes at the same time. The Prologue (to Poe) is horrific, with gory descriptions of the morgue, but the dialogue is funny, and there’s danger and threat too. Wakey wakey.


4. Who are some of your influences?  Are there any women authors who have particularly inspired you to write?

Even though Poe has almost nothing to do with E. A. Poe, he is a big influence. My grandfather, who worked in a factory, was somehow talked into buying Poe’s complete works. A wonderful discovery one long, dull summer.

I have an altar to Margaret Atwood. She sets an impossible standard, but I forgive her for that. Other women writers I find inspiring are Gillian Flynn, Ann Patchett, Isabel Allende, Joyce Carol Oates, Toni Morrison, and Carolyn See. I had the good fortune to meet and take a course with See, who gave great advice on writing and the writing life.


5.) What authors do you like to read?  Any recommendations?

I started reading Neil Gaiman after my PW weekly review said his fans would like Poe, and I thought oh yes, here’s a kindred spirit. The Ocean at the End of the Lane and David Mitchell’s Cloud Atlas were two of my favorite reads in 2013.

If it’s been a while since you read Frankenstein (probably high school), pick it up again. It holds up, and in these days of glow-in-the-dark bunnies and genetically engineered tomatoes, scarily prescient. Then read Oryx and Crake. And be afraid.
6.) Where can readers find your work?

For less than the cost of a latte and scone, anyone can pick up a Kindle version of Poe on Amazon. There’s also a paperback, which has a nice, waxy cover, and an audiobook. Readers can also find my most current musings on my blog at www.jlincolnfenn.com. Also I follow back.


Interested in learning more? Here’s a link to J. Lincoln Fenn’s Amazon page. You can access her most recent tweets and blog posts– they appear in the column to the right of the main page.

Have a great day, and check back soon to see another profile!