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I’ve written about my epilepsy here in the past.  Author Michele Lee, one of our fantastic reviewers, requested that I write a guest post for her blog on first aid for epilepsy. The post is now up, and if you’re interested in reading about epilepsy and what to do if you are in a situation where you must deal with a seizure,  you can check it out here. I hope you will, because there are a lot of people out there with epilepsy, and one day one of them may need your help.

Thanks very much to Michele for sharing this important information.

“Parental Advisory” Podcast Premieres!

Tomorrow at 12:03, Monster Librarian reviewer Wendy Zazo-Philllips and her husband Dinias will premiere the first episode of “Parental Advisory”, a podcast devoted to discussing science fiction, fantasy, and slightly scary movies parents can share with their kids. The podcast will be located at Bill Chete’s Horror Palace, a collection of podcasts mostly related to horror movies– so this is something a little different!

The time they’ll be talking about The Iron Giant and Lilo and Stitch— you can’t go wrong with giant robots from space and alien creatures bent on destruction, can you? Wendy did a short interview with me and Dylan as part of the episode, and I talked about some vaguely related books on… you guessed it, robots from outer space and alien creatures (some more bent on destruction than others). This episode doesn’t rate terribly high on the fear factor, but it was fun to do, and I hope you’ll check it out. You can find it at:


and here’s their Facebook page:



These are the books I included in my book talk, in case you’re interested. I sneaked the M.T. Anderson books in because, among other awesome things, Jasper Dash and his crazy retro rocket-powered inventions are just plain fun.


Norby the Mixed-Up Robot (The Norby Chronicles, #1) by Janet and Isaac Asimov.

Walker Publishing Company, 1983; republished by Dover Publications, 2009

ISBN-10: 0486472434


Baloney (Henry P.) by Jon Scieszka and Lane Smith.

Viking, 2001

ISBN-10: 0142404306



M.T. Anderson’s Thrilling Tales/Pals in Peril by M.T. Anderson, illustrated by Kurt Cyrus


Whales on Stilts

Harcourt, 2005

ISBN-10: 0152053409


The Clue of the Linoleum Lederhosen

Harcourt, 2006

ISBN-10: 1442406976


Jasper Dash and the Flame Pits of Delaware

Beach Lane Books, 2010

ISBN-10: 1442408383


Agent Q, or the Smell of Danger

Beach Lane Books, 2011

ISBN-10: 1442426403


Zombie Mommy

Beach Lane Books, 2011

ISBN-10: 1416986413



Monster Kid Request: Sea Monsters from A to Z

Not surprisingly, the Monster Kid loves monsters. He especially loves cryptids and sea monsters. So although he hasn’t actually asked for the ABC’s of sea monsters, I’m pretty sure he would if he could. I’m not sure about sharing this with him, as I’m not really up to explaining Cthulu to a six year old (nor do I think it’s appropriate, although I’m sure a fair share of parents who read this have probably given their kid a plush Cthulu- and I have it on good authority that it can get rid of closet monsters). But he would LOVE seeing some of his favorites– known, unknown, and fictional– on this list provided by Tor.com. It’s all kinds of awesome, with everything from the Kraken (with a great pic from Clash of the Titans) to the Gill-man, from the Fiji Mermaid to the vampire squid. This is just one article from Tor’s Sea Monster Week, which actually appears to be this week. I’m so sad I didn’t find this till now! In addition to a week’s worth of posts (one of which is about the Gill-man, a favorite of the kid’s), there are excerpts from several related books at the bottom. These are way too old for him, but something you might enjoy, even if you aren’t personally obsessed with sea creatures and killer animals. Moby Dick, anyone?