About Us

Reading Bites is run by the staff of MonsterLibrarian.com. At ML we focus on book reviews, interviews and buzz for librarians and readers of all ages in the horror and paranormal genres. Reading Bites is aimed specifically at teen and young adult readers of horror, paranormal fiction, and dark fantasy.  We publish reviews of recent as well as older books and media that may be of interest,  This site has no other agenda than encouraging teens to read, and supporting readers of the horror genre.

You can contact us at theothermicheleleeATgmailDOTcom or monsterlibrarianATmonsterlibrarianDOTcom (With spam guards removed)

Staff Profiles:

Kirsten Kowalewski- Monster Librarian Editor/Reviewer

Kirsten is the editor for Monster Librarian. has a Master’s degree in library science and is certified to teach school library media. She has worked as a children’s librarian in a large public library and as a school library media specialist at the elementary level. She’s had kids of all ages ask her “Where are the scary books?”

Michele Lee-  Reading Bites Editor/Reviewer
Michele is hard to define probably because the only dictionary nearby is English to Latin. Bibliothecam edot. A former stable hand, PTA president and bookseller, now she’s a reviewer, writer, editor, and veterinary assistant. Her short stories have appeared in Dark Futures and Horror Library, among others, and she has a few werecritter books out. Her son and husband are very proud of her, her dog, cat and fish don’t really care and her daughter has taken this as proof she, too, can be a writer. She pretends to keep a web presence at michelelee.net

Naomi Clark- Blogger, Author
Naomi Clark lives in Cambridge and is a mild-mannered office worker by day, but a slightly crazed writer by night. She has a perfectly healthy obsession with giant sea creatures. When she’s not writing, Naomi is probably either reading or watching 80s cartoon shows, and sometimes she manages to do all three at once.

Jennifer Bard– Reviewer
Jennifer Bard is an interesting specimen of human. The kind of human you could unexpectedly find in your closet on a Thursday afternoon. She is also a young published web comic-er who practices writing, painting, and any other form of art that she can get her hands on. She hopes to become a published author someday, but currently lives of her retail position. She makes it through by “modelling” store clothes and pretending the stockroom door leads to Narnia. She has a penchant for collecting stuffed turtles, and relishes Reuben sandwiches.

Brosia Lee– Reviewer, Graphics Design




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