Review: Destined by Morgan Rice

Morgan Rice, 2011
ISBN-13: 9780982953754
Available: New paperback, multi-format digital

Destined is the fourth book in The Vampire Journals series. It’s a departure from the first three books, in that it kicks the story back in time to 18th century Italy, before it was an Italy. In that period, Italy consisted of independent states which sort of got along with each other, most of the time. Caitlin finds herself alone in the northern state of Umbria. This perplexes her as she was expecting to land with Caleb, who is nowhere to be found. Caleb is in this time, but, as will be seen, is not the same man she knew. She’s not the only time traveler, either. Kyle and Sam have both found their own ways back to this time in Italy. Each has their own agenda. Kyle’s is that he must kill Caitlin before she can find the shield.

I was a little uncertain of this book, because going back in time felt a little weird at first, but I must say it became a very rousing story, and serves as an excellent if bittersweet adventure. Characters die in this volume, and it’s fairly bleak for a time before resolving itself fantastically. Because Destined is the fourth book in The Vampire Journals series, it’s recommended that you read the books in order. This book is recommended for those who like a paranormal romance, or good historical fiction, or even an action packed adventure.

Contains: Violence, gore, profanities.

Reviewed by: Benjamin Franz

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