Review: Angel: Spotlight

284px-AngelSpotlightTPB_covA_largeA side book in the Angel-verse this volume contains tales of Illyria (very emotional with a complexity of character that most stories wish they had), Gunn (very fun and action packed), Wesley (a sad story given what fans know that the Wes in the story doesn’t), Doyle (showing why he sought out Angel, sparking the series to begin with), and Conner (who is my least favorite character, but does grow on me in this story that shows he’s not as stupid as it looks).

I enjoyed the tales, but they weren’t without a little sadness. Still, there is a lot to recommend to fan, who should definitely include this in their collections.

Authors:  Illyria- Peter David and Nicoloa Scott, Gunn- Dan Jolly and Mark Pennington, Wesley- Scott Tipton and Mike Norton, Doyle- Jeff Mariotte and David Messina and Conner- Jay Faerber and Bob Gill

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