Awakened by P.C. and Kristen Cast

downloadRemember how Zoey has a ton of super special powers and is THE Chosen One for the ancient Vampyre Goddess of the Night Nyx? I’m asking because you might have forgotten in the last few books since they dealt with Zoey’s soul shattering and Heath dying and Kalona and Neferet trying to take over. So now we’re going to remind you by giving Zoey the ultra rare power to reawaken the magic of the fae. And with an ultra powerful, super secretive Vampyre Queen to ask her to stay on the hidden magical island they’ve been secluded on. Because the Queen wants to train Zoey to be her heir.

On the plus side, this is the first real mentoring support character for Zoey in the series, which she really needs.

On another negative side, Neferet kills Jack, who unlike other characters isn’t special enough to come back from the dead a few times, even though he was actually a marked vampyre fledgling of Nyx and other characters who have come back weren’t.

When Dragon and Neferet refuse to accept Rephaim as a member of the Tulsa House of Night (because Neferet is evil, and because Rephaim killed Dragon’s wife and true love on Kalona and Neferet’s orders—who by the way are both accepted in the House of Night), even when Nyx herself shows up and forgives Rephaim, Zoey, Stevie Rae and the red fledglings scamper off to form their own House of Night. Conveniently forgetting three books ago when they tried that but Zoey got hurt and couldn’t heal well without being around adult vampyres.

But, hey, they’re technically high school drop outs (or would they be homeschooled? Either way once they were marked they completely stopped studying normal stuff like math and science and history and started vampyre only studies.) They can totally run a school.

Ah, but crap, I still was totally into Stevie Rae/Rephaim. I actually like both characters, even if the angst and super powers are creeping into their story bits too.

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