Tempted by P.C. and Kristen Cast

pc_cast-temptedUgh, ugh, ugh. What to say about this book? I didn’t like Tempted at all. There is no way I can rant about this without spoilers, but if you’re into the series you should know what happens in Tempted by now.

Zoey is the reincarnation of A-ya?? Based on Grandma Redbird’s story I thought A-ya was mainly a construct, not a creature with a soul that would reincarnate. Also, um, she’s not special enough? With enough love interests? Is there some sort of check list that we’re working off here?

First Heath is the love interest, despite it being a not-great relationship, and him having some substance abuse problems. Then Heath redeems himself by dying to protect Zoey (but more on that later). Then there’s a twinge with Eric, who is awesome at first then becomes a total d-bag, especially in this book where he is possessive, jealous, nasty, and then jumps head first into the dark side by dating Aphrodite’s ex-roommate Venus. Then there’s Stark, who starts out okay, then is co-opted by evil to the point where it’s implied that he’s raped people. But then Zoey saves him and he’s her new true partner and loyal love.

Then comes Kalona, who is literally evil incarnate. He has flocks of kids through rape. He kills people just because. He want nothing more than to see the world burn. But Zoey can’t help being attracted to him and thinking he might be redeemable?

The only really redeeming bits are from Stevie Rae. Stevie Rae takes her role as priestess seriously, as in actually sacrificing things she wants to do and getting in the dirt (literally since she’s helping the red vampyres). Zoey whines and worries and gets powers and tattoos. Stevie Rae fights blood lust, defies even her own friends and listens to herself and her own instincts far better. And when she begins to sense that Rephaim has feelings past loyalty to his father Kalona she gasp TALKS to him.

I liked the redemption of Rephaim because it was less about “Hey, be good because you love me and I want you to be good.” It read a lot more (to me) like she was encouraging him to choose his own path and better himself as a person, not as an accessory to her.

Which really just made me realize how much I’m beginning to really dislike Zoey-plots.

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