Graphic Novel Review: Weirdling by Mike Dubisch

**Cross posted from the ML Vault**

Strange Fear, 2007

ISBN:  978097898113

Available: New

    Anna Mandretta is a crew member on a space ship in the middle of fighting a war against the alien Xax.   She starts dreaming that she is a famous surgeon at Miskatonic Hospital centuries earlier dealing with a child who is supposedly the key to letting the Cthulhu god Azag-Thoth loose into the world.  Anna’s dreams become more frequent, eating away at her sanity, and she must discover what they mean before she completely loses her grip on reality. Dubisch’s black and white drawings are compelling, and the story is an interesting and well-told tale.   Fans of Lovecraft and Cthulhu will enjoy this title.  Weirdling is an excellent combination of both science fiction and Lovecraftian horror that is worth adding to any pubic library collection. Recommended.

Contains: science fiction violence

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