Vault Review: Zombie Powder #4 story & art by Tite Kubo

**Vault Reviews were posted previously on the main MonsterLibrarian website and are transferred here in an effort to preserve our history. Efforts have been made to ensure the books are still available, but formats, covers, and other details may have changed.**

Viz Media, 2007

ISBN: 978-1421511221

Available: New & Used, ComiXology


The final volume in the Zombie Powder series continues the engaging story of Gamma, a chainsaw sword wielding master criminal, Smith, a light-hearted super criminal himself, Elwood, on the cusp not just between boy and man, but criminal and hero, and Wolfina, who is trying to save her brother from both a circus of crazies and a Ring of the Dead. This volume continues to establish our leads as heroes of the Punisher type, who don’t hesitate to break laws and even kill people if it keeps innocents safe. Kubo also drops more tantalizing hints about Gamma and Smith’s histories. Then comes the blow that this is the last book in the series and therefore will remain unfinished.

Zombie Powder is a fun series, even if the action scenes are confusing and space consuming. The characters make the story, as great characters should, and it’s hard not to see them translating well to other mediums. I truly hope Kubo revisits these characters again, but as far as getting to see the creative mind playing with convention, this is a rewarding series and should be a part of manga collections. Grades 9-12.

Contains: cartoon violence, implied criminal activity including sexual crimes and murder

Reviewed by: Michele Lee

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