Gaming in Education

In August I attended my first GenCon in Indianapolis, IN. While I’ve been a gamer since high school (in every form, tabletop, board games, video games) I only recently started game design and only recently started exploring gaming as an education and cultural tool. Gaming is becoming widely more recognized as a good modern tool for all kinds of concepts, but most of all, for socialization. Recently our local library hosted a D&D session for kids, GenCon has trade days that focuses strongly on librarians and educators, and my own high school, which my daughter Brosia Lee now attends, has an after school D&D club.

So in that spirit I’m going to start integrating gaming content to the blog. An index will appear soon, and I’ll be adding game reviews to our content.

If you need a place to start, look below.

Fantasy Role-Playing Game Motivates Students to Rely on Each Other to Learn

Why you should be using tabletop RPGs in your classroom (and beyond).

How to use Role-playing experiences as an educational tool

How Schools Spark Excitement for Learning with Role Playing and Games

How ‘Dungeons & Dragons’ Primes Students for Interdisciplinary Learning, Including STEM

On Board Games Podcast

Creating an educational RPG adventure for your classroom


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