TV Review: WandaVision

Or wherein your author gets emotional. My mom died when I was 9 and those (what feels like) eons ago, people weren’t as quick to get therapy, or talk about their emotions as much. Or maybe it was just my family. When my new life with my dad started so did one of the greatest […]

TV Review: Arrow Season 3

With this season the battle in Oliver Queen over whether he is a terrible person and dangerous to everyone around him or not peaks and crashes. As a romance buds between Oliver and my absolutely favorite character, Felicity Smoak, builds, so does Oliver’s survivor’s guilt. No wonder Felicity gets upset because certainly such thoughts haven’t […]

TV Review: Arrow Season 2

Many writers have focused on the conflict between Green Arrow, the vigilante, and Oliver Queen, the wealthy businessman in the comics and in commentary on the legacy of Green Arrow. In this season of Arrow writers wholly embrace this conflict. Oliver is clearly no longer the Oliver everyone knew before the island. Like many people […]

TV Review: Vampire Diaries season 1

Like a lot of people stuck at home, I’ve started binging all those shows I’ve been wanting to watch. I put this one off because I’m not an unbiased viewer. As a teen I was a huge LJ Smith fan. Fan activities and informal clubs led to some major life events, some friendships I still […]

Video Review: Horror Noire: A History of Black Horror, directed by Xavier Burgen, written and produced by Ashlee Blackwell and Danielle Burrows

*Cross Posted from the Circulation Desk.* Horror Noire: A History of Black Horror, directed by Xavier Burgen, written and produced by Ashlee Blackwell and Danielle Burrows, based on the book Horror Noire: Blacks in American Horror Films From the 1890s to the Present  by Robin R. Means Coleman Stage 3 Productions, 2019 Not Rated Run time: […]

T.V. Review: Chilling Adventures of Sabrina season 1

I’m not even sure where to begin with this one. I suppose it was blissfully inevitable  between the growth of society and the evolution of the supernatural t.v. genre. Inspired by the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina graphic novels, as well as the original Sabrina the Teenage Witch comics, this version jumps neck deep into LaVeyan […]

T.V. Review: Arrow season 1

As far as the DC tv-verse goes this is the one that launched them all. Unlike the MCU (in which all the shows and movies are connected) DC chose to establish separate cannons for their movie, t.v. shows, and comics. Arrow sparked off DC’s t.v. domination and in the first season it’s hard not to […]

T.V. Review: Lost Girl season 1

Yes, this is a series about a sexual predator and murderer, but bear with me. Bo may be a special snowflake super powered woman who can kill people with a kiss, but this series has a lot of surprising things to offer. One: Bo is succubus who feeds off people through sexual contact, but she […]

T.V. Review: Lucifer season 2

Another of the best things about this series is the stability of quality. In season two Lucifer adds in new characters, Charlotte Richards (being possessed by the exiled goddess of all creation) and Ella (an off-beat forensic scientist) who both immediately become entangled with the establish crew. As Lucifer and Amenadiel try to protect the […]

T.V. Review: Lucifer Season 1

I love this series so much! Based (loosely) on the characters created by Neil Gaiman, Sam Kieth, and Mike Dringenberg, season one follows the disillusioned former lord of Hell as he loses, and finds himself, in the debauchery of L.A. When a friend is killed outside his club, Lucifer finds a drive to do more […]