Soul Eater: Part 1: Episode 3


The Perfect Boy- Death the Kid’s Magnificent Mission?

In the third Prologue we meet Death the Kid, Death’s son. Like the previous pairs of Weapons and Meisters even the son of Death himself isn’t without a few…flaws. This isn’t a pair, but a trio, Death the Kid as a Meister and sisters Patty and Liz as his guns.

Death the Kid, while rich and powerful, also suffers from crippling OCD and anxiety issues. He doesn’t have to go through the training to form his weapons, he could just have his pick from his dad’s arsenal. But Death the Kid is determined to earn his place, not be handed it.

So he, Patty and Liz set out to take out a necromantic witch making mummies to eat the locals. Liz is clearly the smart one, Patty is the sweet one, and Death…has the power. So Liz and Patty have to help Death the Kid work through all his issues and panic attacks, for their own sakes at the least.

In his fight with the pharaoh trapped in the pyramid Death the Kid first has to learn that his weapons are real people too.

There is a touch of sexualization here, but it’s directly related to Death the Kid’s perceptions of people as objects and growing realization that they aren’t. Framed in the context of people who can turn into weapons, that’s a juxtaposition I found hilarious.

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