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Imaginary Worlds

What are your favorite fictional worlds? Mine include Darkover and Narnia. Underland Press will be publishing a travel guide of sorts, called If You Lived Here: The Top 30 All Time Best Science Fiction and Fantasy Worlds, and they are taking suggestions of worlds to include. If you’d like to contribute, you can fill out a web form here and nominate your favorites. Explain why you love the imaginary world of your choice and it is possible that, if that world is featured in the book, your response might be included.

I think it’s a cool idea. If it had enough illustrations, my five year old would probably snag it- he’s reading the Monster Manual right now, and inventing his own imaginary worlds- encyclopedias of mysterious places and creatures are his thing. But it can be nice to revisit your favorite places, no matter whether you take an airplane or a wardrobe to get there.