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Contest: Summer Reading Is Killing Me!

I have wanted to do this for SO LONG…

Jon Scieszka, who I mentioned in my last post, writes a very funny series for elementary students called The Time Warp Trio. I bet you can guess what it’s about. And one of the books in the series is called Summer Reading Is Killing Me!

I have wanted to give a copy of this book away as part of a summer reading program for a LONG time. And now, I’m going to do just that. I think it’s great that I can do it as part of a summer reading program that promotes scary books.

Leave me a post below sharing what you are reading (or plan to read) this summer. I don’t care what it is. It can be anything, for any age. I’ll randomly pick a post at the end of June and post the name of the winner. To qualify for the contest, you must reside in the United States, but anyone can post!

So… what are you reading this summer?