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The American Library Association: Put The Librarians Back!

I cannot tell you how badly I feel for the public school students of Los Angeles. In a few years, my niece will be one of them. I hope this letter from the ALA will sway the LAUSD into restoring their school librarians to their positions.

When you take away school librarians and school libraries, every child is left behind.

School Librarians On Trial

It’s like a horror novel, except it’s really happening. The Los Angeles Times reports that teacher-librarians are being interrogated in court to prove that they use their teaching credential. If they can’t, the district will cut their positions. Apparently, showing up with lesson plans is not enough.

I returned to school for a SECOND GRADUATE DEGREE and teacher certification, to the tune of thousands of dollars, so I could be a school library media specialist. This makes me want to cry.

With the school librarians on trial and school libraries on the verge of closure, is it any wonder that children don’t read?