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Women in Horror Month: Silvia Moreno-Garcia and New Visions of Lovecraft

So, I’m noodling around on the Internet looking at what comes up when I search for “women writers and horror” and trip across Broad Universe, which is an organization that promotes women writers of science fiction, fantasy, and horror. I’ve been there before, but not in a while, so I decided to explore a little and soon I discovered a blog entry by someone whose name seemed familiar. Silvia Moreno-Garcia, who runs horror micro-publisher Innsmouth Free Press, wrote about new ways of approaching Lovecraft. She wrote:

“Lovecraft does not need to be all lily-white New England gentlemen cloned from one of his stories, any more than an epic fantasy needs to include hobbits”.

With Innsmouth Free Press she is approaching Lovecraft in new ways. Not that long ago, we reviewed Historical Lovecraft: Tales of Horror Through Time, an anthology produced by Innsmouth Free Press that explored Lovecraft’s universe through a variety of times and cultures (you can check out the review here). I like seeing that even the old white dead guys can escape the restraints of their time and place, with a little push from the right person. Not every woman involved in the horror genre is a big name, but there are many, like Silvia Moreno-Garcia, who put a lot of time, money, and love into making it what it is, not just for women, but for anyone interested.

(For the record, I don’t know Silvia Moreno-Garcia beyond our contact regarding the review mentioned above. I just like what she said).