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Don’t Shame the Reader

All the arguments about what format is best get really old after awhile, In fact, the readers at Smart Bitches, Trashy Books are tired enough of hearing them that they’ve come together to come up with words to describe people who are a little too adamant about any format (here’s a link to SB Sarah’s original post… to see the reader comments, which are fabulous, scroll down past the bit on ebook deals).

And really, the format debate takes attention away from what matters most to those who want to promote literacy and reading for everyone.  Our own philosophy here is that your taste in reading is personal. Our original intent, when we wrote that for the world to see was because we believe that NOBODY should be shamed for reading what they love. You shouldn’t  feel that you have to justify or defend your choice of reading material.

So I just had to share this, mostly because it’s awesome (once again, you’ll have to scroll down).

Really now. Let’s get back to basics. Reading, whatever and however you do it, is the thing that matters.