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The “National Emergency Library”, the digital divide, and the future of literacy

I was going to wait a little longer before posting this, but then I saw that a number of news sites are now summing the situation up effectively. Here’s a link to NPR’s story, which includes an acknowledgement that they failed to mention the issue of piracy when they initially reported, favorably, on the National Emergency Library last week.

The “emergency” library set up by the Internet Archive is not an acceptable response to the shutdown of practically everything in the wake of the coronavirus; it cheats authors, booksellers, and publishers out of money they’ve earned the hard way. But the response also reveals something about the privilege necessary to be a reader, and, in particular, a reader of ebooks. I find it fascinating that the same people who were totally against ebooks 20 years ago are now evangelizing them, as if they are the great solution to having our bookstores and libraries closed.  Libraries have free access to ebooks, right? Well, not really. What libraries have is expensive access to ebooks. Libraries pay for each ebook license they purchase, much more than they would for a hardcover copy, and can only check out the book a limited number of times before the license expires and they have to get a new one.  The same ebook can only be checked out to one person at a time. The result, unless you live in a community that is willing to empty its pockets and then some to fund a library ebook collection, is that most libraries have limited ebook collections.  I actually do live in one of those communities, and there are still a lot of books that don’t show up when I search them in ebook format.  So yes, libraries can provide “free” access to ebooks, but not all libraries have all ebooks available to their users.

Accessing ebooks also requires technology. It is a privilege to have an ereader, a tablet, or a smartphone to read off of (it’s also a privilege to be able to read off a computer screen but I find it practically impossible) There is a literacy gap, a digital divide, that is uncrossable when the only access to books is electronic and there’s no tangible community space for books to be shared. Those ebooks nearly always exist in some kind of account in the cloud out there so you can find them when you want them.  An account probably means some kind of personal information on file.  For those of us who can’t find what we need in our library’s ebook collection, it is a privilege to be able to afford to purchase ebooks, even on the cheap, and probably the majority of those are purchased through Amazon or read through their app (yes, even library ebooks).

Something like the National Emergency Library exists in part because Brewster Kahle saw an opportunity and grabbed it. Many people assumed it was the same kind of thing as Project Gutenberg, with all the works legally available, because it presents itself as legit. But it becomes popular, in spite of the knowledge that many works are pirated, because reading is a privilege, one many can’t afford.

I think one thing that is becoming increasingly obvious as people  “shelter in place” is how deep the divisions are when it comes to access to even the basics. As all parents have now suddenly become homeschool teachers, the socioeconomic and educational disparities affecting children’s education and their reading skills are going to become more and more evident. I was able to check out a Chromebook from the district for my kids to use to do their schoolwork on remotely, but some kids in other districts are working their way through paper packets.

For those people who have the technology and the funds, this is less of a big deal. But for those who don’t, well, without the necessary technology at their fingertips, we are poised to lose a generation of readers.

There is something inherently wrong with a bookish ecosystem where the majority of writers and booksellers are struggling to keep afloat, libraries are begging for funding, schools are falling apart, access to technology is scattershot, and the people who need  information, help, and books the most are least likely to receive it.  I don’t know how we fix this, but the beginning is recognizing that the surprise creation of the National Emergency Library is not something that needs a one-time fix. It’s a sign of a systemic failure in the bookish community, and that’s bad for all of us.

I am heartened to see the responses of many authors, who are either sharing their own work online or have given others permission to do so, and publishers (here’s a statement from the American Association of Publishers on their response, including education publishers. It’s long and detailed, and completely worth going through).  Great work is also being done by the people who really want to support authors; Jim McLeod of Ginger Nuts of Horror has started a Facebook group for horror authors and publishers with books coming out now called Pandemic Book Launches.  I am so thankful to see members of the bookish community working together to bring people together with books. The current situation has arisen from worldwide emergency, and it’s amazing to see what people are willing to do to make things work, but I don’t think it is sustainable long-term. Where do we go from here, to bridge that digital divide and ensure a future of engaged readers? With the cracks in the system now obvious to everyone, we cannot go back to the way things were.

It’s Elementary: Sherlock Holmes in the Horror Genre

Sherlock Holmes is one of the most beloved characters in fiction. He’s not particularly lovable, or even likable; in fact, he’s a depressed, drug-addicted, arrogant, misogynistic, obnoxious know-it-all. Even his  creator tried to kill him off. There’s just something about him that draws people to read about Holmes and his faithful chronicler, Watson, and to visit and revisit the characters. Holmes can’t be contained to just the stories Arthur Conan Doyle wrote anymore, most of which are now in the public domain. He belongs to his readers, the visitors to Baker Street.


Or does he?


The estate of Arthur Conan Doyle approached the publisher of the soon-to-be-released anthology In The Company of Sherlock Holmes, co-edited by Leslie Klinger and Laurie R. King, and attempted to extract a license fee, threatening to discourage distributors from carrying the book unless the fee was paid. Klinger sued the Conan Doyle estate in federal court, asking for a judgement that Sherlock Holmes and a variety of characters and elements from the Holmesian universe were in the public domain and that reference to them does not require that a license fee be paid to the Conan Doyle estate. The judge mostly agreed with Klinger. You can read that story here.


What’s important about this is that people don’t just want to read the original stories. They want new takes. There’s a tradition of Sherlock Holmes pastiches– homages to the Master Detective. Some are very good, and some are a lot of fun to read. And many of these fall into the horror genre. Did Arthur Conan Doyle deserve to profit from his creation? Absolutely. But should his estate be bullying writers and publishers a hundred years later, even after the majority of the stories have entered the public domain? It doesn’t make sense to me. It’s past time to explore characters that just can’t stay in the pages of their original stories, and see what new writers can do. Want to check out some of the horror genre’s takes on the Great Detective?  Here are some possibilities.


Victorian Undead  by Ian Edginton, illustrated by Davide Fabbri . Victorian Undead is a graphic novel that collects the comic books for this limited series of  six issues, which pit Sherlock Holmes and Watson against zombies, led by Professor Moriarty. It is followed by Victorian Undead II, in which the duo go up against Dracula. The Monster Librarian, a zombie fan, really enjoyed this series. Be warned, there is a fair amount of gore, which is not exactly a signature of the Holmes oeuvre, so this is probably a better way to introduce a zombie-loving reader to Sherlock than a Sherlock lover to the horror genre.


   Gaslight Arcanum: Uncanny Tales of Sherlock Holmes  edited by J.R. Campbell and Charles Prepolec.  This is the third volume in a series of anthologies that introduce the supremely rational Holmes to the supernatural and horrific. You can read our review here. Gaslight Grimoire: Fantastic Tales of Sherlock Holmes and Gaslight Grotesque: Nightmare Tales of Sherlock Holmes precede this volume in the series. While these books have both excellent and not-so-excellent stories, there are definitely more winners than losers, and there are some fantastic authors included. Gaslight Arcanum includes a fantastic story by Kim Newman. This is a good volume to offer to both Holmes lovers and horror lovers, so if your library doesn’t have it already, you might consider it for its appeal to both mystery and horror readers.


   Sherlock Holmes: Revenant by William Meikle. William Meikle grew up in Scotland reading Sherlock Holmes, and you can really tell. Read our review here. It’s not long, but it gets the point across. Again, keeping in mind that you can’t please everyone all of the time, this is a great story appreciated by lovers of both Holmes and the supernatural.


  Shadows Over Baker Street (Sherlock Holmes) edited by Michael Reaves and John Pelan. Here you’ve got a collection of stories in which Sherlock Holmes and company encounter the gods and creatures of the Cthulu mythos. I am admittedly not a fan of Lovecraft, so I haven’t picked this up, but it’s an intriguing concept and when the two come together in the right way, could make for some really effective storytelling. This might be a way to introduce Lovecraft and Lovecraftian fiction to a new audience– like Sherlock Holmes, the Cthulu mythos has moved beyond the original stories to reach its tentacles out in many directions.


The Canary Trainer: From the Memoirs of John H. Watson by Nicholas Meyer. Nicholas Meyer’s pastiches are considered to be some of the best. Preceded by The Seven-Per-Cent Solution and The West End Horror, The Canary Trainer pits Holmes against The Phantom of the Opera.


Dust and Shadow: An Account of the Ripper Killings by Dr. John H. Watson by Lynsay Faye. Naturally, as a horror review site, we couldn’t leave out Jack the Ripper.  The combination of Sherlock Holmes and Jack the Ripper is a tempting one for many authors, so there are quite a few pastiches that take on this theme. Faye’s 2009 debut novel received great reviews, so if you’re looking for a pastiche that pits Holmes against the Ripper, this one is a good choice.


  Sherlock Holmes and the Horror of Frankenstein by Luke Kuhns, illustrated by Marcie Klinger. Now, frankly, I don’t know anything about this book, but it appears to be a graphic novel, and just the cover makes me want to open it up. Frankenstein and Sherlock Holmes– what a perfect combination! It’s just out, so if you decide to try it out I would love to find out what you think of it.


This is not anywhere near the number of pastiches of varying quality out there that you can check out, and I’ve shared just a few of them here (so please don’t feel indignant if I left one of your favorites out). There are many short stories as well, including Neil Gaiman’s excellent “A Study in Emerald”. For more suggestions, you can visit this blog post at Tor.com, which did a project a while back titled “Holmes for the Holidays”.  Enjoy!