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Book Review: Broken Sigil by William Meikle

Broken Sigil by William Meikle

DarkFuse, 2014


Availability: Hardcover and Kindle


Johnny Provan is a dead cop with secrets, including  an affair with his former partner’s wife. As Joe Conners, Provan’s former partner, investigates his death at the hands of another cop, Connors discovers a house where Provan kept a room. Strange things happened at this brownstone, and Connors decides to get a room of his own. The house turns out to be a place that exists between the living and the Beyond, where the living can connect with the dead. Connors screws something up and now must fix his mistake.

William Meikle is a master storyteller with the novella. The pace of Broken Sigil is smooth and quick, taking nothing away from the compelling story of love and loss. Connors is a sympathetic character that the reader can relate to. The caretaker of the house is interesting and enigmatic, and the house itself takes center stage. Broken Sigil is an excellent read that should be added to your library. Highly recommended.


Contains: blood, gore, violence, adult situations, and adult language

Reviewed by Colleen Wanglund