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Book Review: The Loch Ness Punster (43 Old Cemetery Road) by Kate Klise, illustrated by M.Sarah Klise

The Loch Ness Punster (43 Old Cemetery Road)  by Kate Klise, illustrated by M.Sarah Klise

HMH Books for Young Readers (April 7, 2015)

ISBN-13: 978-0544313378

Availability: Hard cover, Paperback


This is the seventh book in the series 43 Old Cemetery Road. The series is about an abandoned kid named Seymour Hope, a ghost named Olive C. Spence, and a grumpy author, Ignatius B. Grumply, who live together in a haunted house. What makes this series special is that there are exciting new characters introduced in every sequel. The format is fun; it is based on letters, postcards, newspapers, and drawings rather than straight narrative. The author uses comical language and wordplay coupled with true adventure. The plots are exciting and keep the reader guessing. No two books in the series are alike.


In The Loch Ness Punster, we find out why Iggy is so grumpy all the time.  A childhood memory continues to haunt and anger him. He is sent to a Scottish castle he inherits from his uncle Ian, who makes lots of bad jokes, so is called a “punster.” Seymour, the main character, inherits the castle from Iggy’s uncle, but he must protect it from a villain who wants to change it into an amusement park so he can become a knight by winning the Queen’s competition to bring tourists to the region.


With ghosts, bizarre pets, and mysterious appearances and disappearances, the reader is caught in a complicated but wildly fun adventure. A storm is brewing, literally and figuratively, and has the cast of misfits running around until the reader has no clue what will happen next. Throw in a sweet romance, and you have a winning series populated by characters who are written with depth and humor, and a way of attaching themselves to your heart. Mysterious and unique, you will have trouble putting this book down. I loved this series and recommend that you read the books in order. Highly recommended for children of all ages.


Contains: N/A


Highly Recommended


Reviewed by the Goblin Girl

Banned Books Week: Children’s Books and the End of Innocence


Something I see a lot in arguments about whether kids should have access to a particular book is that, as parents and guardians of children, we want to protect their innocence. If you live in a middle class family that was relatively intact, in an area where everyone seemed to be pretty much like you, controlling your kids’ reading might help to preserve that innocence for a while, but if you take a closer look at the individual families there, what you see is that under the surface, children have already faced, or learned about, some pretty terrible things. Even at school, they’ve faced lockdown drills, practice for what to do if the school is invaded by a shooter. The terrible things we live among are so commonplace, and many of us are so numb to them, that it may be difficult for adults to realize how affected some of our kids really are.

I was in the library with my daughter, who is a huge fan of the 43 Old Cemetery Road books and was looking for something similar. The librarian kept making suggestions and asking questions: is this one too dark? Are you looking for something scary, or something funny, or both? I can’t remember what it was the librarian pulled off the shelf that I looked at and said “I think that one might be too dark and scary for her”. My daughter put her hands on her hips, looked at me with exasperation, and said “Mom, my dad died. Nothing is sadder or scarier than that”.  Okay, then. Keeping kids away from the media doesn’t preserve their innocence. Fiction is a safer place than fact. And let me tell you, there is a lot of scary stuff, and a lot of death, in children’s fiction. Even Little Women spends a lot of time on death.

Children’s writing has gotten a lot edgier today, so I can see where some of the discomfort comes from, but we are living in an uncomfortable world. It is a scary place. We can respect that our kids are dealing with a lot of the same things that make the world a scary place for us, and help them choose the reading material they want, or maybe even need, in hopes that even scary books will give them a space in their lives for hope.

If a kid doesn’t think he’s ready to read a scary book, there’s time yet. And certainly there are choices that need to be made about what’s developmentally appropriate: for instance, most Holocaust fiction is not recommended for elementary students (the one exception I can think of is The Devil’s Arithmetic) but if you take your kids to The Sound of Music, you are going to have to come up with a reasonable explanation of who the Nazis were. But that means having dialogue with your child about that, not making choices for him or others to protect his innocence. For a lot of kids, that innocence just isn’t there anymore. Taking books out of their hands can’t save that. Talking to kids about them can help a lot.

For a partial list of banned children’s books, from picture books through Young Adult, go here.

Book Review: 43 Old Cemetery Road: Dying to Meet You by Kate Klise, illustrated by Sarah Klise

43 Old Cemetery Road: Dying to Meet You by Kate Klise, illustrated by M. Sarah Klise

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2009

ISBN-13: 9780547398488

Available:  Hardcover, Paperback

The first book in the 43 Old Cemetery Road series, Dying to Meet You focuses on three main characters: Eleven-year-old Seymour Hope, living on his own at the Spence mansion; Ignatius B. Grumply (I. B. Grumply), a famous author of ghost stories for children; and Olive C. Spence, a ghost living in the Spence mansion. The premise of the story is that I.B. Grumply has rented the Spence mansion from Les and Diane Hope for the summer, hoping that a change of location will help him overcome a case of writer’s block. Unbeknownst to him, they have abandoned their eleven year old son Seymour and his cat, leaving them in the care of Mr. Grumply. Also unbeknownst to Mr. Grumply, the home’s former owner, Olive, still inhabits the old house as its resident ghost.

The story is cleverly told entirely as a series of correspondence between the three main characters and a handful of acquaintances. Through typed letters, handwritten notes, and local newspapers, we get to know each of these characters and watch as their relationships evolve. The story is not overly complex and is easy for young readers to follow, but is also very witty and includes quite a bit of humor. The illustrations, presented to the reader as drawings by 11-year-old Seymour, are well-suited to the book’s structure. Every character has a cleverly scripted name that is perfectly matched to the character’s personality and the general storyline. For instance, I. B. Grumply begins the story as a very grumpy loner represented by a literary agent named Paige Turner. The local real estate agent is appropriately named Anita Sale. Other minor characters include local librarian M. Balm, pet store owner Barry A. Lyve, and grocer Kay Daver. Humorous quips are also worked into each article (and ad) that is included in the newspaper pages scattered throughout the book. Readers who take the time to read each snippet in the papers are rewarded with a few extra chuckles.

The structure of the book makes it a quick read as the notes and letters between characters are generally not lengthy. Throughout the book, we are able to see the relationships of the characters grow and watch them form a unique family as they learn how to care for one another.

The book targets young readers 9-12 years of age. Readers who enjoy a tame ghost story would find this book a very entertaining read. The seventh and final installment in the series will be released April 2015.


Reviewed by Heather Hurley