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Happy Thanksgiving!

Today is Thanksgiving, at least here in the United States, and we at MonsterLibrarian want you to know how thankful we are for you. Thank you to all the readers who come here to find a good book, the educators who visit us to find resources, the school library media centers and public libraries who told their patrons about us, the librarians who use us for readers advisory and collection development,  and all the members of the horror community who have contributed to the success of the site and our projects.  We do it for you, and we couldn’t do it without you. And, of course, we are deeply grateful for all the contributions of our reviewers and editors, who have put phenomenal effort into making everything come together.

We’re thankful that we live in a time and a place where we can read what we want, write what we want about it, and share it with all of you. We are thankful that our local public and school libraries survived this year- other communities in our area haven’t been so lucky. It’s a hard time for libraries and librarians, and they make such a difference in our lives and in our access to books.   This year has been filled with great books, and I am certainly glad for the ones that have come my way!  What books have you read this year that you’re thankful for?