Soul Eater: Part 1: Episode 5


Shape of the Soul- Enter The Ultimate Meister Stein?

After defeating Sid the zombie the Soul Eater crew goes after Sid’s maker, the totally twisted Dr. Stein. Once a Meister (who experimented on Maka’s father for years and helped turn him into the sobbing mess he is today) Dr. Stein went off the rails in the name of science, experimenting on himself and everything around him. He turned himself into a patchwork monster, but a monster who is well educated in the ways of the meisters, and definitely more skilled than any of the students sent to defeat him.

Even Death the Kid worries for the students, rushing to help them, and enrolling himself in the school so he can do so, against the wishes of his father.

But Sid and Dr. Stein have a number of tricks up their sleeves and the students simply cannot win this one.

The tail end of this episode fixes the only issue I had with this episode and the previous one, which was even though these wicked powerful bad guys were tearing up our heroes, they were still taking the time to explain things and teach the kids. I guess teacher habits die hard.

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