Fangs Rule: A Girls Guide to Being a Vampire by Amy Mah

Reardon Publishing, 2011
ISBN-13: 978-1874192480
Available: New and Used

Amy Mah, known to the vampire world as Lady Amelia, Mistress of the Night Mare, Alpha Female from the Family of the Pink Bat, has compiled an A-Z list of important information for the teenage vamp. Amy was born a vampire, but raised by humans until she was a teenager, so she understands the confusions young blood-suckers often face.
For instance, it is perfectly fine for a girl to bite a boy on the first date, but under no circumstances should the boy be allowed to drink her blood until at least the third. The exception is a male who was contracted at birth to be her mate; however, in that case, he could end up dead, unless he meets with her approval. Humans are not worth dating; changing them into undead pets can only lead to trouble.

Amy writes rules for etiquette, for example, one should never need to coordinate one’s panties with one’s shoes, and never show one’s brand, usually burned into the hip, at the dinner table. Males and elder females, especially alphas, must be respected, and family members should never be killed while in the home nest.

She also dispels several human propagated myths, such as immortality–vampires are only a very long-lived species. Mirrors are completely useful, they allow the application of makeup. It is not the eyes, but special purring vocal chords that hypnotize and calm others, easing life within the nest, or soothing a frantic human dinner guest.

Amy’s guide is sassy and funny; the egotist voice is palpable. The text is very sexual, but carefully non-explicit. Several of her pointers provide good tongue-in-cheek advice to human teens, and her fashion sense is spot on. Fangs Rule is beautifully illustrated by Mah in manga style, with several color plates. The cover art and one beautifully done piece of Amy and her bestie friend, Ice, sitting in a fantasy hot springs are framable.

Highly recommended for 12 – adult.

Reviewed by: Sheila Shedd

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