Soul Eater: Part 1: Episode 1

  Soul Resonance-Will Soul Eater Become a Death Scythe? In the Soul Eater world evil people form the perfect nest for Kishin (demon) eggs. As the kishin egg attached to a human begins to hatch the human becomes something else, and hungers for human souls. Enter Death. In this universe Death runs an elite task […]

Musings: 6 YA Horror Series You Could Be Reading

From ML’s Circulation Desk, By Kirsten I was over at Dread Central and they had posted a list of 5 horror series you should be reading, and it’s an interesting list. Inspirational, even. So I’m going to thank them for the idea and offer you a list myself of YA series you should read, if […]

Review: Angel: Old Friends

It’s not terribly clear whether Old Friends is an alternate to After the Fall or not. In the latter we see L.A. materialized in hell and some major changes to our cast. In Old Friends it’s clear the Wolfram & Hart take over, as well as much of season 5 of Angel happened. But likely […]